My first Kiss (Jeffmads)

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Thomas was trying to figure out how he'd have his first kiss with James. "Maybe it would be when we are sitting on the couch, cuddling."

James looked over at him. "What are you talkin about?"

"Oh. Uh...just talking to myself."


"About when we will have our first kiss...I was thinking it might be something romantic or something lovey y'know? Or maybe it would be like in the movies..."

James nodded.

"Or at a date to olive garden or maybe on one of my trips to France when I bring you with me or when we are walking home."

He nodded again. "Yeah."

"Or maybe when we are hanging out with friends..." and he kept rambling on.

"Thomas..." James said in-between his rambles.

He looked at him but just kept talking.

"Thomas for the love of god-" He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.

His cheeks turned pink and his eyes widened a bit. It took him a moment but he kissed him back. After a few seconds James pulled away. "Happy?"

Thomas nodded. "Y-yeah."

"Good, now I don't have to hear you ramble." He said, letting go of his collar.

There ya go a short jeffmads. Also if you have any requests please comment them and I'd be happy to take them into consideration! Thanks! ~Abby📎

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