The dreaded cough (parents!lams)

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Philip woke up in the middle of the night coughing and couldn't get back to bed because of it. He grabbed his blanket and walked to his parents room. "Dad." He said mid cough.

John, being the light sleeper he is, woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Philip, go back to bed."

"I c-can't." He coughed into his blanket. "My chest hurts..."

John sighed and got up. "Let's try not to wake your father." He said gesturing towards the door.

Philip walked out, still coughing and held his chest. "Oww..."

"Yeah I know, let's get you some medicine." John said, walking behind him. "C'mon." He said, walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

Philip followed him, still coughing.
"Dad, it hurts..." he whined.

"Yes Philip I know. We'll take you to the doctors tomorrow." He walked to the fridge and looked on top at where they kept all the cough, cold, and flu medicine. He grabbed the children's stuff and looked at the bottle and read how much he was supposed to give Philip. He grabbed a spoon and filled it up accordingly and handed it to philip. "Okay take this and go sit on the couch."

Philip nodded and did so. "Daddy, can I watch a movie?"

"Yes Philip."

"Are you going to watch it with me?" He coughed.

"Yes Philip. What movie do you want to watch?"

"Dragon hunters." He smiled, then coughed.

John sighed. "Alright." He walked up to the TV and grabbed Dragon Hunters from the shelf. He took the disk out and put it in the DVD Player. He grabbed the remote and sat down next to Philip.

Philip cuddled up to him and coughed. "Ow..."

John looked down at him and wrapped his arm around him. "Try and rest Philip." He yawned.

Philip nodded and looked up at the TV. "Okay."

When Alexander woke up the next morning he walked down the stairs and saw, his son and his husband asleep on the couch. John's arm was wrapped around Philip and Philip was clutching onto his blanket. He knew that this only happened when Philip was sick. He sighed and decided to not wake them.

He walked to the kitchen and grabbed some bread, toasted it, put it on a plate, buttered it, sprinkled some cinnamon sugar on it, and ate it. He sighed.

Philip coughed and started to wake up. "Papa..." he said softly.

Alexander looked over. "Yes Philip?"

"Hug?" He looked at him with tired little eyes.

He sighed and walked over to Philip and sat down beside. Philip got out of Johns arm and hugged Alexander. Alexander hugged him back. "Are you feeling better Philip."

"A little. My chest doesn't hurt no more."

"Well that's good."

Philip nodded. He looked at John who was still asleep. "Dad got up to help me and we watched Dragon Hunters"
He smiled.

"Ah." Alexander nodded. He poked John with his finger. "John. Wake up."

John stirred a bit and wiped Alexanders finger away.

"John, c'mon." He sighed. "I don't think he'll be getting up anytime soon. Let's go get you some breakfast Philly." He let go of Philip and stood up. He walked to the kitchen. "What do you want Philip?"



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