I May Not Live To See Our Glory (Lams)

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** this one is pretty depressing so just a warning on that, also I got this idea from my significant other earlier so yeah.**

John Laurens, how could Alexander ever forget his name? He had died some years ago, he was shot down. Alexander was still torn up about it, he loved him. He sometimes could Still hear his voice saying things like "Alexander, I'm still here..." and the occasional "I love you." But he knew it was all in his head. He was gone, there was no changing that.

Alexander Hamilton, oh how John missed him so much. He remembered when he died. He didn't know when it was but Alexander had received a letter about his death. He tried so desperately to tell him that he was there, but Alexander couldn't hear him. Ever since that day John stayed by his side. He tried everyday to tell him he was there but it was useless. He hoped that after all this time, Alexander still remembered him.

Alexander got out of bed one morning and started writing. His wife Eliza noticed he was out of bed she got up and went to his office. "Alexander come back to sleep."

"I have an early meeting out of town."

Eliza looked out the window. "It's still dark out side."

"I know, I just need to write something down." He was still writing he didn't look up at his wife.

She looked back at her husband. "Why do you write like your running out of time?"


"Come back to bed, that would be enough."

"I'll be back before you know I'm gone."

"Come back to sleep."

"This meeting's at dawn."

"Well I'm going back to sleep." She started walking out.

Alexander looked up from his paper. "Hey, best of wives and best of women."

John looked at Alexander's paper. As he read over it, he realized that he is going to be in a duel with Aaron burr.
Soon after Alexander left and John followed he thought that Burr wouldn't be stupid enough to kill Alexander. He knew they both were smart enough to aim at the sky. At dawn they reached the same spot Alexanders son died. John looked at Philip who was standing beside him.

Philip looked at him. "John, what is my Pa doing here?"

John smiled slightly. "Uhm, Philip your father is in a duel...with Aaron burr."

"Does Aaron know to aim at the sky...?"

"God I hope so...you know Philip I have been watching over your father for so many years. I hope he hasn't forgotten me..."

"My Pa used to talk about you often."

"I know, but lately he hasn't been..."

Philip patted his back. "he couldn't forget you." John smiled softly.

They started counting and walking.
Alexander's heart pounded. "One two three for five six seven eight nine ten fire!" He had his pistol at the sky. He was struck down.

John dropped down to the ground and started crying. Philip vanished into the air.

"John why are you crying?" A familiar voice said. John looked up.

"A-alexander?" His eyes still clouded with tears.

Alexander smiled softly. He offered his hand to John. John smiled slightly and took his Hand. Alexander lifted him up off the ground. He covered Johns hand with his other hand. "Hello, John. God I missed your beautiful freckled face." He said as he caressed Johns face.

John felt a great deal of sadness and happiness overwelm him all at once.
"I missed you so much Alexander...when I died I ended up at your house and I tried to tell you everyday that I was there and that I loved you and-"

"Shh..." Alexander said. "I know." He brushed some of Johns hair back.

John couldn't help himself, he hadn't seen Alexander for such a long time. He just closed his eyes and kissed him.

Alexander eyes widened but he melted into the kiss as he closed his eyes and kissed back. He missed Johns kisses so much, he missed John so much. He let go of his hands and held him tight.

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