Chapter 6 - Surprise!

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Reg's POV

I had a great time with Lloyd yesterday. That maybe was a Skype call but it feels like I'm talking to him in person and not just in the screen. I had finally know him more thanks to that call. He is so crazy and fun to be around.

Crazy and fun. Sounds like our JS Prom last March 06, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 4:00 pm. He became my partner during the whole JS, he's a gentlemen, food lover, very crazy, sometimes annoying and fun to be around. I found those characteristics in him in just one night.

I can't escape those memories every time I think about it. That JS is the best and memorable one I ever attended. I'm being absent-minded again. I maybe awake but still not up from my beloved bed.

Fifth day today. I wonder what I shall do today here at this hotel. Hmmm.......

Think, think, think.........

Bingo! Since I'm still not feeling that well and I can't leave this hotel until I get better, I think I shall wander around this place. I haven't seen much of this hotel since we got here. I even have no idea why I didn't explore this place first. Anyways, that'll be great. I can wander around without leaving this place.

As soon as I thought 'bout it, I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. There are some eggs and bacon in the fridge. I know how to cook these. It'll be easy. Plus, my tummy is growling already and needs to be fed.

After cooking the eggs and bacon, I went to the sofa to eat it. I just notice something, I always eat in the sofa. I guess that's my favorite eating place. Also, my iPad screen woke up. I went to check it. Maybe it is something important.

Its a message. From HYP's Skype account a few hours ago.

HYP: reg add mo ko sa Skype, aeronlloydbeduyabacierto, gumawa ako. Dun na lang tayo mag-usap para di mabahala ito. Maya pag-online ka Skype tayo lloyd to. (Reg add me on Skype, aeronlloydbeduyabacierto, I made one. We'll talk there instead of here. Later when you're online let's Skype. It's lloyd)

Eh?! I'm not expecting that. We just had a quite long convey yesterday and now this. Seriously, what had gotten into him? Well, I'm glad he can trust me. I searched for his account and added it. Also, it was obvious it's Lloyd who messaged me. He gave me his Skype name.

After eating, I went to the bathroom to go have a bath. As I got out, I heard Pat scream "Kid!". First Fairytail, now Magic Kaito? Addicted to another anime again. She must be awake but in her room watching an episode of that anime. I'm not a fan of anime. I don't hate it. I do watch it sometimes but not a fan. I just like it.

10:00 am the clock read. I better check my iPad. I left it on and maybe Lloyd is calling. Speaking of calling, just in time too. I already have my iPad in my hand and he is calling. I answered it.

"Hi Reg." He started.

"Hello to you Lloyd."

"Musta ka na ngayon?" (How are you now?)

"Okay naman. Medyo nawawala na din namin yung sakit ko. Thank you dun sa mga advice mo." (I'm okay. My sickness is starting to fade. Thank you for your advices.)

"Your welcome!"

"In fairness, ikaw ang tumawag sakin ah." (In fairness, your the one who called ah.)

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