Chapter 7 - 5 Seconds Of Summer

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Reg's POV

Yesterday was a blast! I had a great time with the lads yesterday. The lads are fun to be around with. After the MoMa at Niall's we went to eat at the same restaurant that Harry took me when we first met. Since we only ate cake at lunch, we became super hungry there.

I missed having a MoMa with Family H~. After that MoMa, I missed them. They often tell me to have a MoMa at my place as our bonding at Saturday's when we're not very very busy with school, projects, assignments and our groupings.

Since I got up early, I Skype call my mates and we talked about what happened yesterday. As our call ended, I texted my Kuya (Bro/Brother) who I also miss a lot. His name is Kuya Richard/Chard Barcelona/Kuya Ko (My Brother). Though we are not related, he treats me like a little sister. He often says that I'm still a baby which my mates agree. He tells me a lot of things every time we text each other. Whenever he is my textmate, our conversation will go from here to there for the day. He often give me advice on certain things. He is always there when I need him and he has a special power to stop me from crying.

I can still remember that day. I went to our terrace and bought my phone and iPad with me. I started crying and crying because of the horrible news I heard. I texted Family H~ and my other contacts hoping they would reply but I didn't expect that my Kuya was the only one who became concerned why my eyes had flooded with water. As I received his message, my eyes suddenly stopped crying. I told him about this and he was surprised to know it.

Also, whenever we text each other, most of it is full of craziness. I don't why but I really do enjoy his company if I have no one to talk to. He is also often my textmate because HYP are sometimes busy or does not have load.

I told my sis that I might stay with the lads for some nights and she said she don't mind because she can do anything she wants without me interfering with her. The lads were the ones who asked me first if I wanna stay with them for some days.

My bro texted me he is gonna sleep now 'cause its already late there. I told him good night and sweet dreams. Now that I'm done with the texting world, I came to open the door. I think I shall walk around not to far from the hotel to keep myself entertained for a few hours or until I find something interesting to do.

As I got out and closed the door, someone accidentally bumped into me and we both fell.

I shook my head and faced that someone. To my surprise, it was Luke. Luke Hemmings from one of my favorite band, 5 Seconds Of Summer. He got up and offered me his hand which I gladly accepted.

"I'm terribly sorry if I accidentally bumped into you." He said.

I shook my head. "It was an accident. Its okay."

"I'm really sorry. I was in a hurry because I'm gonna be late for our rehearsal."

"I told you, its fine."

"I'm Luke by the way." He introduced himself even though I know him already.

I giggled. "Glad to meet you Luke. I'm Regina but you can call me Reg."

"Nice to meet you Reg. Where are you off to today?"

I shrugged. "I'm thinking of walking not to far from here until I go find something interesting to do for the day."

"Oh. In that case, wanna come and watch us practice?"

"Are you sure its okay?"

"Totally. I wanna know what you think about our rehearsal for our tour's last show tonight here before we get a month vacation."

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