Chapter 4 - Good News

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{A/N:Hi readers! I just wanna tell you that I used some Filipino here. If you wanna know the meaning of it, read inside the parenthesis instead. I need to use it for some little fun and it's the main language Family H~ use. If you will be reading some sentences that are in Filipino, you might have a nose bleed.}


Second day here at London. I woke up and done my traditional way of after I wake up. Wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my bed, comb my hair and then go back to bed. It feels so lazy to be getting up as early as 6 am. I'm used to waking up this early for me to do more things instead of wasting it in sleeping. I stood up and went to the bathroom and take a shower. After the shower, I went to sit on my bed.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table. I opened it and saw 30 messages from my friends/family.


They sent me these many messages? They must be wondering why I haven't been out for a while. I haven't even sent any group messages since we left. That's why they didn't get any update from me.

I looked at each of the messages. Most of it was saying:

'Hi Reg :) mUstA nA?' (Hi Reg :) hOw's yoU?)

'Reg please reply'

'Reg asan ka? :(' (Reg where u? :( )

Through reading those messages, one message had caught my eye. It was from my best friend:


'Hi Reg :) I haven't seen you in a while now. It kinda made me sad knowing that I don't know where you've been and where you are right now :(. But like what you told me in my birthday card, "Even though you're not close by, it feels just like we're right beside each other. Even though we're far apart, our friendship fills my heart. Its so good to know we're under the same sky." I will be Strong for you and I know that you'll do the same. I miss you Reg ;(. I really miss talking to you and I'm not used to that. I hope to see you again wherever you are.'

It's from Brendan. Awww. I also miss you too best friend but I won't be coming back to the Philippines after two months. I wish I could see you in person again. I wish I could talk with you, laugh along to your jokes and crazy things we do and say. Oh how I wish I could hear you again. I cam also say the same to Family H~

It sure is hard to be far away from my close friends. It makes me miss them more every time I would think of them. I hope all of you are safe back there.

I turned around to see if my sis is still sleeping. Yep. She is. She must've stayed up late and won't wake up till 9 or 10. I dried my hair using the hair dryer. I don't feel like tying it. I'm still lazy to do just a simple thing.

Since I'm feeling lazy, I decided to order room service instead of cooking something. Once my food was there, I made my way to the living room and began eating while watching TV. I don't know much about the channels here. I decided to just find a channel that will not make me bored.

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