Chapter 2 - London

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Reg's POV

Today is the start of my adventure here. Sooooo excited! I just wish Family H~ was here. Family H? They are still my classmates. We are in Section A-Hydrogen. We like to call ourselves many different names like what I had mentioned before, Hydro, Hypergens or HYP, Hypergeners, Hypergenius, Family H~ and HydroFam.

They would really love to have a grand adventure. Especially if it is something new to them. Because of that attitude they have, we all are influenced by that. Oh how I really miss them so.

Right, I should be getting ready now and not let my mind float like that. I should really tell my sis that I will be leaving for almost a whole day. She might do something weird like call the police and tell them that I became missing. I don't want her to worry much 'bout me.

I tried to wake her up minutes ago but nothing happened. She surely is a heavy sleeper. This will take me more time before I go.

I had finished packing in what I might need in my adventure here. I may look like a dork because I look like I'm gonna go climb a mountain instead of just for travelling around here, but I don't care about that.

Hydro had taught me that. Most of them are very outgoing and don't care on what they do or wear. Even if they look crazy and weird, we don't care even if people are watching.

Maybe it's time for me to try and wake up my very tired sister.

"Pat!" I said again to see if this time it will work.

"Pat!" I said more loudly while shaking her a little and kept on repeating for the hundredth time.

"What?" she said still not opening her eyes.

She really isn't a morning person.

"I'll be going out now to explore London."

"Then go and explore it."she said as she gets under the covers.

"Hey sleepy head, I'll be coming back at 11 pm so-" I had been cut off because I heard her snore right in front of me and with that, I knew went back to sleep.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll be going now." I said as I grabbed my backpack, phone nd iPad and I went out the door.

First time for me to explore something alone. I had never explore anything by myself. I'm always with my sis or Hydro when we explore. I guess this will be a new experience for me.

I breathed in and out before I took the first step out the hotel and to London. Like what I had said before, I don't know what to do first. I don't even know where I will go first. This is a big city and I'm positive that I will get lost here.

I think I'll go around and walk for a while to see where and how far I will go. London sure is also busy. Mostly I see is people on their phones, rushing to wherever they are going. It's pretty different from the Philippines.

I usually see people talking with each other at the Philippines. I know this is a different country to where I'm from and it seems kinda sad to know that they have don't to spend just a little time to day Hi or Hey. I only see a few but not all. I tried to say Hi or Hey to some people walking but only a few had replied back. Most of them just ignored me.

After an hour (I think) of walking, I'm finally here at my first destination, the London Eye. Who knew I had walked for an hour without getting tired? I usually go tired but this excitement state of me never shows I'm tired and I'm gonna go with it. I didn't know this would be my first destination.

I would really love to have a ride there. I had grabbed myself tickets for the ride and waited at the quite long line ahead. I don't mind by waiting here at the line, it's okay for me.

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