Chapter 10 - Roller Coaster

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James' POV

I woke very early today. I need to find a way to get rid of these bruises on my face. I'll just wear a long sleeve shirt later to cover up the bruises in my arms. I hope the lads don't notice this. I'm in the bathroom right now trying to figure out how to cover up my bruises in my face.

"James?" I heard a familiar voice as my eyes widen in shock. Tristan.

"Shit." I told myself. They're gonna find out.

"James! Oh there you are mate. The lads told me to check on you."

"Uh, I-I'm c-completely fine here. Don't mind me." I said stuttering.

"James why are you wearing a mask?"

"This?" I pointed. "T-This is nothing mate."

"Take that off. You look ridiculous." He said grimacing.

"I'll be out in a sec. Just give me half an hour."

"Seriously mate, you've been acting weird since last night. Is there something wrong with your face?"

I sighed. "There is." I said then took off the mask looking down.

Tris was shocked to see my bruises. "Mate we need to talk about this." He said seriously and I nod.

"Head down to the living room and we'll talk about this." He said then left.

I did what Tris told me. I peeked at Con's room to see if Reg is already awake. She's still sleeping. What will she say when she sees me covered up black and blue?

As I was in the bottom of the stairs, the lads are already waiting for me. I bit my lip and went towards them looking down. I sat beside Brad.

"Tris told us." Con said.

"James please tell us what really did happen yesterday?" Brad said.

I can't lie to them. I have to tell them what really happened yesterday.

I let out a huge breath. "Remember when I told you lads that I have to deal with something? That was the time Niall texted me to come outside. He said that if I don't go, he's gonna go in there to take on you lads. Since I don't want that to happen, I went outside and found Niall looking very furious. He shouted at me because I told Reg everything about what he said to us yesterday even if we're not suppose to tell her that. He said he watched every inch of our Vamps Day-Out like he told us. He was so angry that he started to punch me in the face and I fell on the ground. That's why I also have a few bruises on my arms. I didn't fight back because I know that attacking him won't make him change his mind to stop. He'll beat me up more if I do fight back. A lot of people saw what happened to me." I paused for a while seeing the lads are listening to every word.

"I told him to stop but he didn't listen. When I said that Reg is gonna see this going viral on Twitter, he stopped. Before he left, he gave me a mean look. Good thing that we were at Claire's and I'm wearing a jacket. I bought a lot of foundation to cover up the bruises on my face and extended my jacket so you guys won't see it. Before I go back to you guys, I checked on Twitter to see if its all over the news. And, it was. There was already a Twitter war between the Directioners and Vampettes, the #JamesVsNiall trending on Twitter and the paps know it already. At that point, I became scared that Reg must've saw it already but I was wrong. She didn't know anything and none of you had. When she approach me, I knew that she doesn't know it. But I have a feeling that you lads will know it sooner. I didn't tell you lads yesterday because I was scared. I didn't even know if I should tell you lads or not. I'm very sorry lads." I finished looking down.

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