Chapter 28 - Revamp

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Niall's POV

"I can't go there. They are still very mad at me. I don't think they'll easily forgive me after what I did to Liam." I said to James worried.

He smiled and shook his head. "You already did the first step. Next, you need to see them personally. Most especially Liam. You need to apologise to him. Not just an ordinary apology. Show them that you are truly sorry for what you did."

I shook my head. "After all the lies I made? I hardly think they'll forgive me that easy."

He began to think. "What about...... Ask them what you can do for them in return of your apology. That'll truly show how sorry you are." He said to me that made me look at the front doors of the hospital.

I sucked in a breath and looked at him. He smiled. "You can do it mate. I'll be right behind you." I nod and we got out of the car.

We asked the lady behind the counter and she instructed us to Liam's room. As we turned to the hallway, I could see the lads at the distance. They got out of the door and sat at the chairs.

I froze and stopped on tracks. "I don't think I can do this James."

He groaned. "Don't be. Just come on. Get moving." He said and pushed me from behind that caused my shoes making a few squeaky noises that got the lads' attention to us. Uh oh. They're not just the lads. Reg, Brendan Kenneth, Sharinamae and Rose Ann are there too.

Louis went in front of me as we got there. "What are you doing here? We don't want anymore problems involving you Niall. You've done enough already. And why did you bring James with you? He's gonna assist you again?" He said then rolled his eyes on me.

"I am gonna assist him. As his friend. I am back to normal again. He told me what happened and why he did it. I'm gonna help him now get those mistakes right." He said that surprised all of us.

Lou raised an eyebrow. "If you're back to being the James we know, how well do you know Reg?" He said eyeing James.

He chuckled. "Very easy question Lou. I know her since that mash-up concert party we did at the park. We met at the convinient store there. I took her on a date once that kinda went a bit awkward for the both of us. I also know that she is still kinda mad at Niall for doing all this mess. I was her partner during that party we had a week ago." He said then they were surprised to see him talk normal again. "If that answers all your questions, can you please let Niall see Liam now?"

I nod. "I'm not here to cause any more mess. I just wanna see Liam. I want to talk to him." I said calmly.

He laughed a little. "Wow. That's the first time I heard you talk that calm for the past month."

I shook my head. "I don't need the sarcastic tone Lou. I would really like to see Liam."

He rollled his eyes on me. "Fine. Go see him. I don't think he'll forgive you easily after what you did."

He said then sat down with them. I can't help but be a tad jealous seeing Reg with Nate. But if I get used to it, my feelings for her will eventually fade away.

"I'll stay here outside mate so you can talk to Liam in privacy." James said that made me smile.

"Thanks James." I said and went in.

"Niall?" Liam said surprised at my presence.

"It's me. I believe I owe you an apology for you being here in the first place." I said and sat on the chair near his bed.

He smiled weakly. "No need for apologies mate. I know you weren't you the past three weeks. And the Niall I know does try to make his mistakes right and do the right thing once something goes wrong. Welcome back lad."

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