Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Reg's POV

Friends? What comes to your mind when you hear the word Friends? For me, it means laughter, enjoying, company, joy, trust and many more. I'm a little shy when I talk to strangers but that helped me in finding my best friend today. He was the exact opposite of me, he's so outgoing.

I know its not that easy to consider someone to become one of your best friend. It took me almost three months of bonding with him before I consider him one of them.

Him? Yes him. My friend is a male and his name is Brendan Kenneth Martires but I call him Bren or Dan Ken. He had shown me that he really deserves to be one of my best. He proved to me that I can trust him a lot, I can count on him and most of all, he proved to me that he will never leave me and he's always there when I need him.

I'm always here for ya.

I really miss you.

I love you (as a friend).

Aside from showing me, I also showed him that he can trust me, he can count on me, and most of all, I had showed him that I'm always there when he needs me. He mostly face problems or when he is down and alone. I often see him write on a paper when he is down. When I see that, I know what to do.

We are always into the topic of One Direction. That's right, he's also a Directioner like me and that's one factor why we are so close to each other. When I don't see him around, I feel a little alone because I feel like nothing, but thanks to what he always say, "I'm always here for ya". That really helps me a lot. When we haven't seen each other for like three to five days, I can't believe in what I heard. He's the first person I heard that said to me, "I really miss you". He's also the first person that said to me, "I love you (as a friend)".

I've been day dreaming again because I will really miss him now. Me and my sister are going to London. We sure are very far away from each other now. We haven't even left back home and I already miss him so much. I guess that'll make me strong because its a challenge for us to test how far our friendship goes and how long it will stay strong. Our memories will keep me company while we are there.

Going to London? Definitely a dream come true! Thanks to my aunt that had booked us a flight and a hotel there. I really hope I get to meet One Direction or The Vamps. Its been my life long dream to meet them. I just want to see them in person, have a conversation, take a picture and have an autograph.

Right now, we're on our way there. We're on a plane and my seat is next to the plane window. The pilot said that it will only take 30 minutes before we land on Heathrow Airport. This is the most exciting part! I can finally get a glimpse on what London looks like and hopefully I don't get lost.

Minutes had passed by and I can already see from the window what London looks like. I can say, the aerial view is so beautiful, what more can it be from the ground? I think we will definitely have a good time here even if its just for a month or two. I don't know if I can take this excitement level in my body that goes through my veins and make me act really weirdly.

"We almost at Heathrow Airport! I bet this trip is gonna be very unforgettable." I said to my sister, Patricia or Pat-Pat as I like to call her, while my eyes stayed glued looking at the window.

"I hope it will. I really miss my Mommy Kengie." she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Wait a sec, we don't know much about London, so how are we gonna get through the place?" I said ignoring in what she just said.

"Ask some people or bring a map I guess."

"You really have a lame idea."

"Its the only things that I can think of if we went out."

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