Chapter 31 - Yes

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Reg's POV

I feel like I don't wanna sleep for four days. We only have four days left here. I really wanna make our last day memorable but it seems the lads are quite busy with something. I haven't talked to them appropriately for three days already. Nate comes by but he also needs to leave with the lads and sometimes he just calls me. None of them aren't telling anyone of us where or why they are going.

In the past three days, we still have no contact with Luke. I'm doing everything I can to try and get his attention but he has no reply or answer to any of my calls, messages, tweets and dms. Ash is still a bit mad at him though after what happened one and a half week ago.

I heard something at my door. What could it be? I got up and walked towards the door. I opened my door and saw Fall.

I crouched. "What's wrong boy? Are you feeling lonely downstairs?" I asked and he licked my cheek.

I giggled. "I'll take that as a yes. Get in." I said then he went in and jumped on the bed.

I went back under the covers sitting up leaning against the wall. He placed his head on my lap. I caressed his forehead. "I know you miss Nate too. He's been busy with the lads the past three days. Don't worry, he's managing his time remember? He always find a way to come see us even if it's a little time."

My phone suddenly vibrated from beside me. I picked it up. "Hello?" I answered without bothering who it is because there is only one person that calls me as early as 5 am.

"Hi love." Nate said his voice a bit raspy leading me to a conclusion he just woke up. "Sorry we have been spending only a few hours a day with you all lately. We're still a bit busy dealing with stuff and..... More stuff for something." He chuckled then Fall barked in excitement. I shushed him since it's still so early in the morning.

I shook my head. "It's fine Nathan. It's not always we need to be together every minute every second everyday." I chuckled. "Why did you call once again? You cannot go back to sleep or you woke up early without anything to do that is quiet?"

"I heard Fall. Tell him I miss him too." He said then I heard a bit of shuffling and Drew's voice in the background.

"Nate go back to sleep. And who are you calling this early? Your mom?" I laughed a little knowing he woke up Drew.

"None of your business bro. You already know who I'm calling this early Drew. Go to sleep if you're still tired bro." He said then chuckled.

"I sure will. Just make sure you don't make any noise for me to sleep peacefully again."

"Of course bro. Sorry again."

"Sorry for the wait. Back to your question, I got up early and tweeted something then decided to call you because The Vamps aren't awake yet plus I have nothing to do that is quiet."

I laughed once again. "No wonder I heard Drew telling you to go back to sleep."

He too laughed. "Yeah. I kept on shaking him over and over again because I have no one to have fun with this early in the morning."

"No one to have fun with this early in the morning? Let me guess, you want to start hitting on Tristan's drums this early right? But it's too early to do it because you'll wake up the neighbors and they will complain."

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