Chapter 13 - Feelings

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Reg's POV

Last night was one of the best nights I had. Though when James kissed me, I was surprised at first then my fan girling side took over my insides. Good thing I controlled my outside.

The best part of last night was Fall. Me and James' new puppy. He's so cute and I love Labrador breed of dogs.

I slowly opened my eyes and look up to see that James is still sleeping. Cute.

The door suddenly slammed open and I shriek in surprise. James and Fall suddenly woke up. Fall keeps barking at the door.

"Princess are you okay? What happened?" James said.

"Oy! You two better shush the pup." We heard Con from outside the door. We can tell by his accent. I also can hear other voices or laughs rather.

I sighed. "Fall c'mere boy." I called out him and ran towards me.

"It's okay now lads. You can enter."

They all entered. "How'd you know we were there?"

"Easy. Con's voice was too loud and I can hear it coming near the door because if he was in his room, his voice would much be quieter since there is a wall blocking. I heard Brad and Tristan's laughs after what Con said."

Fall growled at them. "Whoa. Easy there little one. We're your friends too." Brad said as he pet Fall. Fall wagged his tail. I wish he could bring Jesse along so Fall will have a playmate.

"Why disturbing on an early morning may I ask?" James said.

"James we have an interview at a radio station. We're leaving in ten minutes." Tris said. He muttered curses under his breath and quickly got up and rushed to his bathroom.


"Reg do you have any plans for today?"

"Hmmm..... I think I'll visit 1D today. I haven't visited them in a while now. And I'll bring Fall with me."

"Great. We'll drop you by at Harry's flat before we head to the station." Con said and I nod.

"We'll be there to get you once our interview is done." Brad said and I got up and head to Brad's room.

Most of my things are in his room. I went to take a bath. After the five minute bath, I got out and dry my hair a bit. I grabbed my phone and iPad from James' room and head down.

I see them playing with Fall. I hope Brad could bring his dog here. Fall would like to have some company.

We stopped at Harry's flat for them to drop me off. James said he'll come with me. I could hear a bit of shouting and yelling inside. What's going on in there? We knocked on the door. Nobody's answering. I didn't hesitate on opening the door and I'm surprised at what I saw. I tear had slipped out my eyes until a my eyes began flooding.

Harry's POV

"Princess please don't cry." We heard a familiar voice. We stopped with the shouting and looked over to see that Reg and James are there. Reg is crying on James.

Oh no. She saw it.

Liam went towards the door. "Reg, James. What are you two doing here?"

"I was- planning to visit you lads to have some bonding time but it looks like you lads have other things to do." She said nearly gonna cry again.

Liam panicked. "No no no. We didn't know you were coming by. We're sorry."

She looked at me with tears falling from her eyes. "Hazz, I thought you promised me that you lads won't have an argument again? What happened to that promise?" She said and I looked down.

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