Chapter 20 - Japan?

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Luke's POV

Everything went so quickly. The party's over, my little sis is crying and now Niall and James disappeared after the party. What the hell?

I don't even know how to cheer up my little sis because I don't even know what had caused her to be in that situation in the first place. I also don't know how his non-related bro cheers her up at times like this.

Argh.... It's all going insane! What the hell even caused this?! One second we were all so happy and enjoying every moment now we are in a panic situation because neither of us knew where the rivals went and who knows what Niall will do to James.

Little sis calmed down a little bit but tears kept on coming out of her eyes and is also starting to swollen plus her make-up is all a mess. She went to her room  with Fall after calming a bit.

"Liam, have you contacted Niall yet?" I asked as I approached him.

He shook his head in frustration. "Not yet. It's like the billionth time I've called him but he won't answer. I spammed him with a gazillion messages but still no luck."

Whoa. Talk about metaphor to that.

"Uh, okay. Are you still gonna try?"

He smiled weakly. "I have to try." He said then looked down. "He's my mate. My brother. And my best friend. I can't let him down no matter how big this has gotten. We can't just left him. He needs us though he says he doesn't. He needs to find his real self again. The Niall we always know." A tear slipped out of his eye as he finished.

I smiled at him and rest a hand on his shoulder. "I know so. He just needs to wake up from his overcrowded jealousy stuck in his mind. I'm proud of you mate. That's what a real friend would do. No matter what situation."

He looked on the ground. "If only he answers his phone or reply to the messages I sent him. We can easily contact him and stop whatever he will do to James. It's not that simple finding him. He's got many many many many places to hide here. He may even go back to Dublin or any place far far far far away from here."

I nod in agreement. "Yeah. You're right. But we can conduct a search party if you lads need any help finding the two. We'll volunteer to help you lads."

"Thanks a lot mate. I know we can find him before he does something to James."

I smiled at him. "I'll try and cheer up Reg for now. Hopefully we find the two quickly." He smiled back and nod.

"Stay positive mate, we'll find them." I said before scurrying up to her room.

I knocked on the door three times. "Reg? Can I come in?"

The door knob turned and what came to my view is her very haggard after all that crying and a really unreadable expression. She's still cute though. But her eyes are really swollen and red.

I cupped her face. "Reg can we talk?" She nod and gave me way to enter. Fall is sleeping on the rug. The pup must be exhausted now.

She sat on the edge of the bed near the window and I sat beside her. "Reg will you please tell me what happened? All of us are really worried. The two rivals are still nowhere to be found and we are all worried why you cried."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell. I have no words to say about the reason why."

She finally spoke up. Wow. I'm surprised at that. I didn't expect that. I was only hoping for her to shook her head.

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