Chapter 30 - Persuade

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James' POV

"Will you guys help us and Niall?" Liam asked.

We all looked at each other and nod. "Sure, what's the plan? And how? You know apologising to Fam H and Reg will be the hardest. They gave you a big trust and you blew it into pieces." I said and looked at Niall.

He nod. "I know. I just hope this works. I really want to talk to them again, be friends and bond wih them. They don't deserve what I gave them. I promised them to have a great time here at London and I fucked up."

"There is always a way mate. But we need all their help for this to be successful." Tris said.

"Their help?" Niall asked confused. "Their help as in with The Tide?" He asked and I nod. He looked worried.

"Hey hey there. The Tide lads are all very nice. I know that you are worried they are mad at you for attempting to shoot Nate with the gun but, believe me, they are really kind-hearted. I'm positive they'll forgive you." Con said and we smiled.

"We only have one more thing to do before we start off with the plan." Brad said.

The 1D lads looked at him confused. "What do you mean? We already contacted the 5SOS lads about this if that's your concern."

Brad sighed. "We have a major prob with Luke at present. We are gonna have a hard time convincing him to be part of this since Nate is in it."

They still looked confused. "What's wrong about Luke and Nate?" Harry asked.

I bit my lip. "Well..... How should I start it? Uh....... You boys know that Nate and Reg have something going on right?" I said and they nod. "As her big brother, Luke doesn't like Nate for Reg. He had been saying really mean things to him but Nate always prove him wrong but........ He doesn't trust him enough with Reg. She and the other lads have been convincing him to give Nate a chance but it always fail. It led to the point where he and Ash yelled at each other. You guys were at the hospital that time. Luke is at their hotel room and we haven't made any contact with him for three days now.. Also, Luke and Ash haven't been talking to each other lately."

We all fell in an awkward silence. "Nate hasn't done anything to make Reg sad or cry right? Why is Luke being like that? He's a great lad. Though I don't know him fully, I can see it whenever he and Reg are together." Louis spoke up breaking the silence.

"I think I have an idea." A voice from behind spoke. We all looked at the same direction and saw Zayn leaning by the door. We all stood up and hugged him.

"What are you doing here mate? You surprised us!" Liam said surprised and happy at the same time.

"I saw what's going on through Twitter. I thought you lads could use extra help."

"How did you know where we are?" Niall asked.

He chuckled. "Lucky guess? I figured you lads are here. But I went to the apartment first before going here."

"We really need some extra hands and another head." Louis said and we all laughed.

"What's your thought by the way mate?" Harry asked.

Zayn grinned. "Like what we did the first time we all met back at Harry's and during our filming of Live While We're Young combined together."

Reg's POV

"Love, you and Luke really need to talk about this whole thing. It's getting worse and worse by the minute. You both need to listen to each other's point of view to fully understand the whole situation." Nate said as he sat beside me at the edge of my bed.

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