Chapter 34 - Farewell

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Reg's POV

"So, I guess this is goodbye for now?" Luke said looking a bit sad.

I shook my head. "No it's not lads, this is just the ending of another chapter and the start of a new. This is not goodbye, it'll just be........ See you again my friends." I said smiling reasurringly.

"We sure are gonna miss you all." Brad said and I looked at them.

I nod. "We are going to miss you lads too. It'll be a long time if we ever come back here in London."

They all looked like they're about to cry. I laughed while holding back my tears. "Don't cry lads. We'll never be far away from all of you. Even though were far apart, our friendships are always in our heart. We didn't just turned into friends, our circle of family grew because you all are a part of it now." I said and they started to cry that caused me to start crying too.

Our flight is starting to call us and we all looked at each other sadly. I looked at my fam then to the lads. We all have the same expression readable on our faces.

We all hugged for the last time then me and my fam went on board our plane. I looked at the boys for one last time before continuing my way.

We all sat at the plane with teary eyes and sad faces. I sat with Sharina and Brendan. I looked at them and comforted the two.

I looked at the plane's window and saw the boys are still standing there waiting for the plane to take off.

"We are ready for flight miss Reg. Just tell us if you want to take off right now." The flight attendant said.

I sighed then nod. "Let's take off." I smiled weakly. "The sooner we take off, the sooner we get back home." I said then laughed a little.

Okay, I regret on saying that. I am really not ready to leave. And I so am not ready to go home as soon as possible. I am not ready to go, but we can't stay here. Summer doesn't last forever. Nothing lasts forever, only change lasts. I felt like summer went by in just 5 seconds.

She smiled and nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said then headed to the pilot.

"We may never come back." That is the only sentence I never told them. I don't want them to feel down that's why I said we are seeing each other again soon. Seeing them down just makes me feel worse.

The engine started and I looked at them. They are still there. Waiting for us to take off. I waved at them a goodbye and saw their hairs being blown which means we are ready to leave. I looked at Brendan and Sharina. They both have unreadable expressions on their faces while staring at their phones. All the pictures we got from the past one and a half month of summer here in London.

Goodbye London. See you soon again lads. This is one of the best summers we ever had.

Luke's POV

We all watch as their plane take off. We stayed there until we couldn't see the plane anymore. Actually, we stayed there even though the plane was out of our view. A policemen just told us that we need to get out of the way because the next plane is about to fly, we are blocking the way and we might get hurt.

We all stared at each other outside the airport.

"Now what?" I asked breaking our silence. "I believe each of us has somewhere to go to and this is where we part ways."

Louis nod. "We are going to management this afternoon for some talks about Zaynie here and him pursuing his solo career. We are also gonna talk about us four going on hiatus by the end of the year after we release our fifth album." He said smiling.

"We've been working for five straight years and we do really need a long break." Liam said.

"You boys deserve it. Enjoy your upcoming long vacation boys." Ashton said.

Harry looked at us. "How about you four? What are you boys planning?"

We all looked at them with wide smiles. "We're planning to have a tour after we release our second album." Calum said.

"Yeah, we've been working on this album the past months and we're really excited to finally release it. The 5SOS Fam deserves this album because they made our dreams come true." Michael said and we couldn't agree more.

I pointed at Brad. "What about you boys?"

"We're planning on releasing a new single by summer, an album this year too and having a world tour as well." Brad said smiling.

"We plan on bringing The Tide along to our shows so they can experience life on tour and going to places they haven't been too." James said and the four American lads were surprised.

"For real? You guys are bringing us with you?" Austin said still surprised. "Wow. That's such an honour to be playing for you guys on tour."

"You'll be our opening act on tour." Tristan said and they all group hugged.

"Massive congratulations boys! You lads deserve it!" Connor said and we cheered.

We're all cheering when someone coughed from behind us. I turned around. "Hi Luke. Can I have a picture with you?" A fan asked. I couldn't say no to that.

I tapped the other boys to know we have been found by our fans. Well, what else is new? We're always found by our fans wherever we go. They're really good at it and we do sometimes question how do they do it.

Well, we have a huge future ahead of us. We talked about our plans for this year and I can assure that we will make everything we said come true.

Speaking of our career, I can hear music that has a nice beat.

"Bro, that music....... I love it. I definitely must Google what song it is. It sounds good and feels good." I said then the three Aussie lads stared at me with big grins.

"BRO YOU JUST TOTALLY NAILED THAT!" Ashton half yelled happily and I don't think I got what he meant. What did I mean when I said the music I heard sounds good and feels good?

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