Chapter 29 - Jones

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James' POV

"We are so glad you're back to yourself James." Brad said as he handed me my guitar.

"We're so glad you are. We thought you'd be like that forever." Tris said that made me laugh a little.

I took the guitar and shook my head smiling. "I also didn't know it would end in that way."

"So, I'm guessing you need to move on from what you feel with Reg." Con said and the others looked at me.

I smiled weakly and nod. "She has Nate now. I know he'll make her happy. I know he makes her happy. He's a great lad. I'm glad she finally found someone who's right for her. So yeah. I'm gonna move on. I've talked to the both of them yesterday at the hospital and I understand what's going on between them."

"I do have a question tho. What now that Reg has Nate? Aside from moving on, aren't you a tad jealous of them? And what Niall said yesterday, was it true that he wants to change back to an improved him?" Brad asked and I laughed a little.

"Why do I suddenly feel like being asked in a Miss Universe Pageant?" I said then chuckled. "To the first question, mmm.... I don't know yet. Maybe write a song about that windmill in my garden or maybe make some music. I could go to Dorset too. Or enjoy the rest of our vacation with you lads. I did became a tad jealous about them the night during the accident. And what Nialler said was true. Don't you believe in him?"

They all looked at each other. "Not really. You know, after all the lies he told us. We think he's lying once again and trying to convince us to believe in him for another crazy plan." Tris said.

I shook my head. "Nope. That's the real him. He's being his real self that time. You know, I saw him regretting everything he did the day after the accident. He was in his room and I hear him saying that he wants go back to normal. He wants to change to a new Niall like none of this happened. I helped him by starting at the hospital. We visited Liam yesterday for the start. He is now with the 1D lads. I dropped him there before going here."

Con smiled. "I'm glad he's slowly improving. He's improving because of you. You're his angel that is helping him improve. He didn't notice it till yesterday. He always think that you are the demon that always gets into his ways. Now that he is changing with your help, I have no doubt he's gonna go back to the Niall we all know but an improved one." Con said that made me grin.

"No matter how he treated you so badly and made you act like a puppet, you still have that kind heart inside of you despite those horrible things he did. You really are an angel mate. Not just his but ours. You are an angel to everyone you love and loves you back." Brad said then a tear slipped out of my eye and I laughed a little.

"Thanks lads. I love guys." I said and we group hugged.

Luke's POV

"What the hell mate?" Ash said running after me. "Why did you get angry at her without any valuable reason?"

I stopped on tracks and rolled my eyes. I faced him. "I told you, I don't trust her enough with Nate. See what happened?! They went back here very late last night. She told me that they are not gonna go back late but look what happened?! They are late! Don't you know what might happen?! There are many possibilities that could've happened to them at that late at night!" I said and realised I just half yelled at Ashton.

He raised his arms in defeat. "Chill man. The bright side there is that she is safe and unharmed. Isn't that enough for Nate to prove he has good intensions on her and won't break her?"

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