Chapter 11 - Visiting

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Reg's POV

I woke up very early today. It's nearly 5:00 am. Though I slept late last night, I woke up this early. And I'm sure my sis is still asleep at the hotel. I'll leave here at 8. That way, I'm pretty sure she's awake already.

I look at my left seeing Tris is sleeping peacefully. I smiled. I think I'll check on the other lads if they're awake. I got out of the bed and quietly opened the door. I make sure to close it careful not to wake him up.

I checked on Con's room. I gently opened the door and peeked in. He's still asleep. I closed it then peeked at Brad's room. He's also asleep. James is the last one. I peeked at his door. He's not in. I went inside.

"James?" I called out. "James are you here?"

Where could he be? I was about to go when I saw that his balcony door is slightly open. Could he be there? I went towards the glass door but he isn't there.

"Hi princess." I heard a voice from behind that made me shriek in surprise.

I turned around to see that James is there. "James you scared me."

He chuckled. "Sorry for that. What are doing up this early?"

"I woke up all of a sudden and can't go back to sleep. I figured you lads are already awake but the three are still asleep. Then when I went to check on you, you were not here. Also, where were you? I've been looking for you."

"I was downstairs. Luke gave me a early phone call since the other lads aren't answering their phones. I went down so it won't bother you guys."

I nod. "Why did you call me princess a while ago?"

I can see his cheeks turn slightly red. "Uh.... Because...." He said trying to get the words out.

I giggled. "Don't push yourself too much James. You lads can call whatever you want. I don't mind."


I nod. "Really. Fam H calls me 'Reg' or 'Best friend'. My relatives call me 'Yna', my nickname. My bro calls me 'baby' or 'baby girl' but normally calls me 'bhe' or 'bebe' in Filipino because he told me that I'm still a baby and I'm his little sister. I'm totally fine if you lads call me whatever name you guys want as long as I'm comfortable with it."

He chuckled. "Okay princess."

I smiled controlling my outside. Its good to know I'm finally getting used to them being around without me being the crazy fan girl I am, but on the inside, I'm freaking out and I can't control it.

We both went to the third floor. The third floor has a swimming pool and a mini garden. Their third floor reminds me of the park here. The only thing different is the swimming pool instead of the lake. We stayed there until 6:30 am. We had a few talks about anything and I really loved the mini garden. It's like a little something that reminds me of how beautiful nature is.

"Princess what time will you be leaving by the way?"


"Should you be preparing your things now?"

"Already done yesterday after our bonding with 5SOS."

"Oh." He said and I turned around to face him. I know that tone of voice.

I walked towards James. "I'm only staying there for a day. Don't be so down. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." I said smiling.

He smiled and caressed my cheeks. "I like it when you're positive on things princess."

"My bro taught it to me. He said I should Always Smile, Stay Positive and Be Thankful."

"There you two are." We heard Brad's voice coming from the door. We turned at his direction.

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