Chapter 3 - Harry Styles

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Who is that again?

For sure he is taller than me. I think he's six foot tall. I can't see much other features because of the quite dark night but he looks so familiar to me. I stayed in place while looking at the pictures in my phone trying to remember who he is.

Wait a sec, he's coming near. I pretend to be scrolling through my phone to act natural as he walked pass me and sat at the bench where I had just been. I put my phone back in my pocket. He looks upset about something seeing that his hands are covering his face. He might need my help. I sat beside him.

"Hey." I started looking at him.

He looked up directly into my eyes and to my surprise, it was Harry, Harry Styles. A member of my favorite and the most famous boy-band in the world, One Direction. My eyes had widen and my hands got colder. I feel like I wanna fan girl around but I can't. He feels so down. What could be wrong?

"Hey there." he said as he faked a smile and looked at the lake in front of us.

I also looked at the lake. "I saw you looking quite upset. Is everything okay?" then I looked at him again.

"Kinda." he said and his eyes stay glued at the lake.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked and he just shrugged. "My best friend told me that its better to tell your problem instead of keeping it to yourself because it lessens on how big you carry it-and, maybe..... I can help you with it?"

He looked at me as I finished it. "Thanks but I think you won't quite understand it." He said faking a smile and still looking at the lake.

"It's okay. I can help you lessen that problem your carrying."

"Me and the lads just had some misunderstanding. That's all." he said like he doesn't want to remember it.

That kinda gave me an idea when he said that. When I pretended to scroll something at my phone a while ago, I thought of opening Twitter that time and saw it. I saw everything. Maybe I'll try it to see if that was causing the problem on why they had a fight.

"Is it because of the haters, different fandoms, including the directioners, arguing on Twitter about that tweet someone made but it says that one of you lads made it?"

"Yep. That's it. We never argued like this before. We were home from rehearsals all day and we got very stressed out. Once we found out about that tweet, we all began blaming each other about that tweet on who made it. At first, we thought that it's just one of us pulling a prank but none of us admitted it and we began to start arguing, shouting and yelling at each other." He paused for a while and a tear had escaped from my eye followed by a few more until I had started crying. Crying in front of a member from my favorite boy-band.

"We also threw names at each other which made us more pissed. All of us got pissed off at the name calling then one by one we all went out giving each other a glare before going to different places around London just to get away from each other. Niall was the first to go followed by Zayn, Louis then me. I don't know if Liam left our shared flat. I don't know where the lads are now. I don't know where they all have been. The last place we were is our shared flat. We don't want to see each other until we get to cool down or until management tells us." He said words that I never thought the lads would do. "Now, I've realised that we were wrong to blame each other. We didn't look at the other side because we were so stressed and burnout. We didn't think twice on what will happen. Now I blame myself for yelling at the lads. This isn't even us that I know." He said and a tear had dropped from his eye.

No, it wasn't your fault Harry and neither was the lads. It was our fault. Us directioners, haters and other fandoms had started it just for fun. The one that tweeted it didn't even realize what is gonna happen to them. I never thought that with just one tweet would come this far. They got into a huge fight and the one that tweeted it didn't know what they've cause. And for the ones that are still retweeting it don't know what happened to them now.

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