Chapter 18 - Party! Party!

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Reg's POV

Today is the day. The day our party will be held. At this very place. Gonna throw a party, for the first time, here at London.

We are now decorating the living room and balcony. The others are finishing designing outside and every room. Some are cleaning the whole place while me, Jonnar, Dante, Lloyd and Robert are helping me with the sound system.

They can carry the heavy equipment while I can't 'cause I don't have that much strength like them.

"Nar! Kaya mo ba i-check kung nagana ito." (Nar! Can you check this if it works.)

"Sige. I-tatry ko." (Sure. I'll try it.) He said and plugged in his phone and played Chandelier on the system.


Still one of his favorite songs. You know, aside from Katy Perry's songs. It's one of his faves.


"Reg, san namin ilalagay ito?" (Reg, where are we gonna put this?) Dante asked.

"Hmmm...... Dito na lang siguro. Katabi nitong speaker." (Hmmm..... Maybe here. Near this speaker.) I instructed and he followed.

"Reg, okay na dito sa taas. Malinis na malinis na." (Reg up here is now okay. It's squeaky clean.) Sofia yelled from the third floor.

I gave her two thumbs up as a signal that they can take a break now after all that cleaning. As I was about to go upstairs, my phone vibrated. I looked who is it. James is calling. I answered it.


"Hi princess. How's the preparation going?"

"It's doing good. We're a bit tired now but we can handle it with a big lunch later. Oh, why did you call by the way?"

"Oh that. I came to inform you that our fellow singers, songwriters, artist and bands are all willing to come tonight. We contacted them yesterday and they'll arrive this afternoon and will also be staying in the same hotel where your sis and cousins are staying."

"Definitely great news."



I heard him sigh. "I have a problem. I don't really know how to act tonight. I mean, you and I are partners, we have our friends who will be guest tonight, plus your fam and I'm afraid I might embarrass myself in front of them and your fam."

I giggled. "You don't have to be nervous 'bout my fam. They embarrass themselves in front of themselves. And don't worry much 'bout our guest 'cause my fam can handle them. In short, don't take in too much anxiety and be optimistic on what's gonna happen. Just be yourself."

He chuckled. "I know. I get nervous sometimes and just can't help it but call you and hear your voice when you're not around."

"I'm only a few miles away from you lads James."

He sighed. "I'm still not used to having a day without hearing your voice or seeing your face."

"You survived three days without calling or texting me when I had a three day straight visit at the hotel."

He chuckled. "I guess you could say that." He paused for a while and I heard Tristan yelling in the background. "Sorry princess but I have to go. Tris said we have to see the food we ordered with the 5SOS and 1D lads. See you later." He said and hung-up.

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