Chapter 33 - Advice

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Luke's POV

"I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you little sis. I did a lot of bad things to you. I didn't agree on Nate courting you, I got mad at you, I raised my voice at you, I ignored every text and call from you and the lads, I made you cry, and I made you feel that you're not important to me anymore." I said and she smiled reasurringly.

"It's okay big bro. I know you did that because you were trying to protect me. You also didn't know Nate at first that's why."

I shook my head. "To you it's okay, to me it's not. I haven't forgiven myself from doing that not only to you, but to the other lads too. I'm suppose to be the good role model for you because I'm your big brother but all I did is wrong."

"I know they've forgiven you already. You should do it to yourself too. Don't take in all the negatives you did because you stood up and changed it all. You started it when they met you two days ago at the your hotel room. You think that way because you keep on remembering all the wrong doings you did. But if you think again and remember all the great times you did, we did like how we first met, I mean, bumped into each other." She said and we both laughed remembering that day.

"But there is a hindrance when I told Nate that I approve him courting you." I said and looked down on my hands.

"A hindrance?" She asked confused.

I nod. "I have no idea why but I regret on saying yes to him two days ago about courting you. I'm sorry to say but I'm afraid he'll do something that will make you cry, sad and upset. That is the reason why I told you that you're going to regret your decision. I've tried everything I can so you can regret it but it didn't work. He makes you very happy. Your fam and the lads agree with him. I think I'm the only one who doesn't. Until now, I don't know if I made the right choice about approving him to court you." I said and she looked surprised.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

She shook his head. "I don't know. Often times, instincts are always true. My instincts are so often right." She said sounding worried.

I sighed. "I'm sorry if I have to tell you this."

"At least I know. I'll be ready when that happens, hopefully it won't." She said and smiled weakly.

I too smiled. "You really are one strong girl. And that's one reason what we love about you." I said and she smiled.

She hugged me. "I'm glad we're okay again big bro."

I hugged her back. "I'm glad we are little sis."

We both pulled away and went back to our mates. We part ways. She went to go with Nate. I went towards my bros.

"Here's your guitar bro. Let's do this like we rehearsed it." Ashton said and handed me my guitar.

"Ashton what are you doing?" Me, Calum and Michael asked surprised. He's holding up a trash bin and a thick stick.

He smiled. "I'm gonna get their attention." He said cheerfully.

"Bro you're gonna attract other people here too when you bang that trash bin. They're gonna think you're crazy and where the heck did you get that trash bin?" Calum said and we looked at him weirdly.

"The other people can join our fun and I got this bin from the sanitation here. I borrowed it and promise to return tomorrow morning." He said and we mentally face palmed ourselves.

"Here goes." He said then banged the trash bin several times that got everyone's attention who are here at the park.

"Luke, is everything okay? And why is Ashton banging on that trash bin?" Reg asked surprised.

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