Chapter 17 - After A Week

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Reg's POV

A week has passed by quickly. Dunno how that happened but everything went well.

My bro got safely back to the Philippines, Fam H~ are getting used to everything new here, Luke and Jen-Jen started going out and same also with Calum and Loren, I have talked to Harry, Louis and Liam again, I have visited my cousins for three days straight, I learned to play more songs on the guitar, My sis and cousins got back to the Philippines two days after my three day visit at the hotel, Fall is growing healthy and strong and me and James became closer and I'm suddenly used to him being all that flirty when he chances it with some cheesy pick-up line or something.

Aside from these good happenings, we can't forget the bad ones.

Niall hasn't made contact with the 1D lads for a week, more rumours and fake news spreading that me and James are on which is the exact opposite, some members of our fam got sick due to the new atmosphere here and they haven't adopt it yet and I don't often go much to the apartment where my fam is staying 'cause my belongings are mostly at the hotel and one suitcase is at Brad's room.

One crazy week eh? It's also been wild because of HYP's activeness and HYPer energy.

Right now, we're planning to throw a party on Saturday afternoon to midnight at the apartment since Niall got the place like a hotel. Also, the venue is also the perfect place to throw it.

Some open area at the garden with a swimming pool and jacuzzi, huge living room, fifty rooms in total, a huge rooftop, and it's a bit modern. Well, I describe it almost more like a mansion.

"You wanna have it with a dress code Reg?" Brad asked.

"I dunno. Maybe the dress code will be by partner. It'll be a little surprise to them. I'll also be matchmaker to do that and assign the colors."

"So, who are you pairing with me, Con and Brad?" Tris asked and I giggled.

"Just wait. It'll be done in a while. You lads have to make sure it's okay if I pair you lads with any member of the fam. Also, Con and Brad are the emcees remember?" I said and tilted my head a little.

"Oh, right. Forgot about that." Tris said.

"But we can join you guys at the dance party right? I mean, we're gonna hire a DJ." Con said then scratched the back of his neck.

"Wait, what about me? Did you forget?" James inserted.

I chuckled. "I'm partnering you with Fall." I said that made us, except James, laugh.

He grimaced. "How can I partner with a dog? A dog can't even wear a gown. Also, he's a male."

I spanked his arm. "Don't be rude to Fall." I giggled. "I'm your partner silly."

"A week of problem solving really did help princess." He said then winked and I roll my eyes at him. He always take that amusing.

"We have to get all the lads at the apartment later this afternoon so we know who we are paired with and can talk already about the dress code." Brad suggested.

"Great. But, I don't think Fam H bought any tuxedos, gowns or cocktails with them and-"

"Then, we have to take you guys and gals shopping." Tris said that cut me off.

"Look, I don't want all you lads to spend something like that to us. What if they choose the quite expensive ones?" I reasoned. I really don't want them to do that for us.

Con shook his head. "No prob Reg. We'll get the 1D and 5SOS lads to help us."

"But-" I tried to say but I was cut off. Again.

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