Chapter 12 - Date

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Reg's POV

I can't believe how fast time flies. Before I knew it, it was already the day I go back to The Vamps' flat. I texted them to pick me up. Brad was the one who replied to get me.

I have to visit quite often to the hotel until my cousins go back to the Philippines so they won't feel like I've forgotten them. Also, half of my things are at Brad's room.

"I guess I'm all ready to go." I told them.

"Aww. But that's okay. Visit us as often as you can or we can stay for three weeks if you like." Marie said that made me laugh.

I know nothing's funny in what she said but I often laugh at what she and Phine says. "Okay okay. And maybe I can bring The Vamps along during my one of my visits here." I said in which made her nod. She looks quite excited.

She'll be seeing and hanging out with 5SOS a lot with my sis and Phine. I'm glad she's happy about it. Oh, Phine and my sis are still both asleep.

Calum suddenly slammed the door open which surprised us. "Oh. Sorry about that gals. Reg, Brad is here." He said and I nod.

"Why don't you meet Brad downstairs eh?"

She excitedly nod her head. "Sige sige." (Okay okay.)

I laughed at her response. She isn't suppose to speak in Filipino/Tagalog. "Let's go." I gestured her to follow me and we both went down with Calum.

As we headed down stairs, she froze at the sight of Brad with Luke, Michael and Ashton. I giggled at her actions. That's how I feel inside.

".... So yeah. That's about it." Brad finished his sentence once we approached them.

"Hi Reg. Glad to be seeing you again." He said and messed my hair.

"Same to you mate. And I gotta get used to this every time we see each other." I said and gestured to my messy hair he just made. "Oh. By the way, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Marie. Marie, this is Brad."

Brad smiled. "I'm glad to meet you Marie."

"We'll be seeing each other again soon. I promise to come here as often as I can." I told her which she nodded in response.

"Don't worry little sis. They're in good hands." Luke said and I giggled.

"Thanks Luke." I said that made him pout.

"What's wrong?"

"I want you to call me your big brother."

I laughed. "Sorry Lucas. I already have a real non-related brother to call 'Bro'."

"But can you at least call me 'big brother'?" He said with puppy eyes.

"Okay. Fine. Big Brother." I said and we all hugged.

"Take care you guys." I said to all of them.

"You too Reg." They said in unison.

Me and Brad walked out side by side. I waved to them before getting in the car.

"I don't mean to pry but, what were you lads talking about earlier?" I said curiously. I just want to know what it was. I hope its not some bad news.


Niall's POV

I saw her go out the hotel and I'm glad Brad was the one who picked her up and not James...

I really hate mentioning his name. It makes me sick. HE makes me sick. Hanging out with my love, but none of them know it except my bros, makes my jealousy bigger. I haven't exactly told Reg that I have feelings for her but I'll eventually will.

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