Chapter 32 - Live While We're Young

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Reg's POV

"Nate do we really need all these stuff? I mean, it's like we're going to a camping trip." I said as Nate kept on packing some stuff from our apartment.

He smiled. "Oh yes. We really need it because......"

I raised an eyebrow. "Because what?"


I'm suspecting they're hiding something once again and it involves mostly of these camping stuff. I wonder what it could be? But it's a bit obvious it involves camping because of the blankets, tents, some sleeping bags, ready to eat foods, a lighter and flashlights. Plus the fact it's nearly 4 pm and they want us to pack these stuff to go to somewhere.

They told us to pack up some of these stuff two hours ago. Half of the fam are done packing while some are still on going.

"I'll bring your guitar love. I'm also bringing my drum sticks. We will be using it for later."

"Okay then." I said then went to my room to get Fall.

Fall has been asleep for three hours already and I need to bring him along. I already packed him some dog food, treats, his chew toy and tennis ball.

I opened my room and Fall is still asleep on my bed. I approached him and sat at the edge of the bed. "Fall? Boy? Wake up bud. We are going somewhere. I think it's a camping trip as the few hints I see. You'll love it because we're going to be playing outside again." I said then he put his head up.

He stretched for a bit then wagged his tail. He's happy about the news. "C'mon boy, Nate's downstairs." I said and he suddenly jumped off the bed and ran down barking.

I giggled and ran after Fall. He became afraid of James ever since his memories got removed. He became distant with James. He needs to regain Fall's trust again. He too became affected because he sensed that it wasn't James, he wasn't himself back then. Though it occured to me, he didn't get affected when Niall kidnapped my mates. I didn't see him at the basement. He was here at the apartment when we came back. He immediately trusted Nate seeing he was the one with me during that time Liam was shot.

But still, James is his legal owner now. He was the one who signed the papers. He's the reason why Fall is here. He really needs Fall's trust or else he might fight him and refuse to do anything James asks. Fall might even become depressed.

Fall and Nate came into my view. He's excited to see Nate again.

"Reg are you guys ready? We're leaving in a minute." Drew asked from behind and I looked at my fam. They're all finally down here.

I nod. "Yep. We're ready to go to somewhere I guess?" I said then looked at him.

He chuckled. "You guys will love it. Let's go now guys." He said and we all followed the lads.

"We're only walking?" I asked. I expect that our camping is somewhere out of town or else where that is far like usual camping trips.

"Yeah. Our destination is only a walking distance from here." Levi said.

The street we are currently in is quite familiar. This is the street towards the park. Speaking of the park, I can already see it from here. We continue to follow the lads into the park? We're camping at the park?

"We're here!" Austin said and we placed down our things surprised at the view.

There are several tents assembled in a semi-circle and a bonfire in the middle. I knew those hints would lead to us camping. The park's tall trees and the lake nearby adds a plus to the view.

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