Chapter 9 - Vamps Day-Out

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Reg's POV

I woke up by the sunlight that hit my eyes. I hate it when the sun does that. Must be late in the morning or nearly noon by now. We all slept past 3 am a while ago and my head hurts a little. Feels like I'm drunk but I'm clearly not cause I'm still under age to drink.

I opened my eyes. My vision became a bit blur but when it clear up for a while, my eyes widen in what I saw. The four lads are all asleep on the same bed. I looked at my left, I'm surprised that James was there then Brad and Con. I could see Tristan's head near my feet.

I was asleep with all four lads in the same bed, slept with James on his chest and I'm nearly gonna fall off the edge? Sounds crazy, a little weird and I feel very comfortable with them around especially James.

Now I know what the noise was about hours ago. Also, I'm not surprised that all of us are still in the same clothes from last night.

I tried to get up but I bump my head. I look up to see that James' head was on top of mine. I heard him groan. I must've woke him up. Cause he started to move.

I looked up again and saw him awake already. He must've seen me looking up at him cause I saw him smile. "Sorry if I wake you up." I said.

"I don't mind. I just got startled when you accidentally bumped my chin." He said then began to hug me like a teddy bear.

"Hey! I'm not a teddy bear yuh know."

"But you're just like it. Cute, small and cuddly."

I reached for my iPad mini at the bedside table and saw 100 notifications from my cousins and friends on Facebook. Damn, I have to look at this many notifications again. I scroll through them and some are from last night. My mates are gonna be so jealous again. I see pictures of me during our Mash-up/Concert/Party last night from 1D, 5SOS and The Vamps' Official pages and street teams.

After seeing all that, I opened Twitter. I decided to tweet that recently been in my mind: 'Never knew that I'm a teddy bear that is cute, small and cuddly' that got loads of favorites and retweets in seconds.

Suddenly, James' phone vibrated. He reached for it. "Its a tweet notification." He said then suddenly burst into laughter.

"Are you crazy? You're gonna wake up the lads."

"A little bit. Sorry. But didn't I say this to you a while ago?" He asked which confused me.

"You said what?" I asked still confused at what he means.

He didn't say anything and just showed me his phone. It was the one I tweeted minutes ago. "You turned on my notifications?"

"Just to get in touch."

"You some kinda stalker or something?"

"No. I'm just James Daniel McVey guitarist of The Vamps."

"You're weird sometimes."

"Thanks." He said then laughed again.

He suddenly tweeted something new. It said: 'Have a cute teddy bear with me right now @reg_062600'

After I read it, I feel myself blush and hit him in the arm. He winced. "What was that for?"

"For what you just tweeted."

He smirked. "You're getting redder by the minute. Is it because I called you 'cute' online?"

"Oh just shut it. I'm gonna go head downstairs now." I said as I get up on his bed. I was about to stand up when he stopped me.

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