Chapter 15 - Drunk Lads

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Reg's POV

I suddenly woke up from my sleep. It is only 2 am. My phone has been ringing for minutes. I have 20 messages and 20 missed calls from them. My phone suddenly rang again. I answered it.

"Thank goodness she answered it!" I heard one of them say. That voice sounds like Con.

"What is it lads? You guys know that its late. And why aren't you lads here yet? It's morning already." I said a little tired.

"We.... Need you.... Too pick us up...." I heard Tristan's voice.

"Why? I thought you lads have a car?"

"We.... Can't drive...." This time is James' voice.

I spoke to soon. Damn. Me and my stupid thoughts.

"You guys are drunk. Am I right?"

"How'd you know?" Brad said then giggled.

"Obvious from the sounds of your voices. Also, I'm too young to drive. And don't tell me to get my bro, he doesn't know how to drive either."

"Well then, can you walk us home?" Con said.

"Walk with four drunk lads? How am I suppose to do that if I'm like 2 feet shorter to you lads and I have no idea how far or where you lads are."

"Don't worry Reg, I didn't drink that much. I can help carry our two giants while you carry Brad."

"Okay. Thanks Con. I'll be there in a few minutes."

A hung up and quickly changed into new clothes and washed my face. Good thing the guess room is at the end of the hallway and Brad's room is near the stairs.

Con texted me the address of the party. It's near Harry's flat. I know that place. Only a few houses before Harry's. I walked quite a long distance since Harry's flat was a little closer to that restaurant he took me.

As I made my way to the street, I could already hear the loud music blasting out of the speakers. I guess I'm not gonna have a hard time finding the place. I soon spotted a house that is lighting up colors in and out.

I approach it and saw a tall figure near the sidewalk. As I reached it, I recognised it was Connor. "Wow. You got here fast. I went out here to make sure you don't miss the place." He said.

"Harry's flat is somewhere here so it was easy. Also, the loud music and bright lights helped."

He looked back at the house and sighed. "The trio are in there. Still playing a drunk game I think." He said frowning.

"Something wrong Con?" I said and he sat on grass. He gestured me to sit down beside him.

"While they were playing it, they invited me over. I said 'no' to them and then they said I was being a chicken then they laughed at me. The rest of the crowd laughed out with them. Though they may be drunk and just joking around, it kinda hurt me inside. That's why I called you. So we can go now. I went here to get away from them. I don't want to be embarrassed like that." Con said not looking directly at me.

I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. He looked at me then I saw that he's about to burst into tears. "Con I want you to relax. Forget what they did to you a while ago."

He tried to but it failed. "I'm sorry Reg. I just can't, they have been really good to me and it's a bit hard to believe they can do that."

I hate seeing my friends sad. Let me think........ What was the best way I got my friends to smile again..... Bingo! I got it.

I got up. "Con can you please stand?" I said and he did.

"Are we gonna get the lads now?" He said and I shook my head.

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