Chapter 19 - Moon and Stars

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Reg's POV

So far, the night has been great. I'm still a bit exhausted because of all that partying and being really wild, crazy, HYPer and really abnormal often times.

Yeah. That's us. This Is Us. The same I-Don't-Know how to describe this section or these people thing.

Right now, the party is still on going. It's already 11 pm and no news from our star friends yet about the surprise they have for us. I still wonder what that could be. The night has been half way and they haven't even announced a single detail.

"Good Evening everyone." We all turned to see Brad back up the stage with Con.

"The party has been doing great so far. Now, us celebs have a surprise for you all." Con said.

"As you all know, we couldn't have made it this far without you guys. You all are the best fans in the world we could ask for. So right now, I want you our fellow celebs to come up here to join us." Brad said and gestured them to come up.

All of them stood up and stepped up the stage. "There. Now that we are all complete, Brad will announce that big surprise we have in store for you guys." Con said.

Brad nodded. "Right. Actually we have three surprises. First, all of our fans get a  copy of our new albums when it is released. Since you guys have showed so much support to us, the copy you'll be getting will be the original and the ultimate and deluxe edition of it with a free exclusive posters." Brad said and we all cheered.

Brad gestured to us to keep down and smiled. "Second, you all get to spend time with any of us for a week starting tomorrow." He said and we all cheered louder.

They all chuckled at our actions. "Lastly, you guys can come with your fave celebs to our places. They will fly you guys to their homeland while we Brit boys drive you guys. We will also bring you guys back here after a week." He finished as we have turned into a frenzy.

"YES!!!!! MAKAKAPUNTA NA KO SA L.A. KASAMA SI KATY!!!!!" (YES!!!!! I'LL BE GOING TO L.A. WITH KATY!!!!) I heard Jonnar scream.

The song 'Fantastic Baby' by Big Bang, a K-Pop group, we requested played and we danced to excitement and happiness.

"WOW FANTASTIC BABY DANCE!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO OHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I WANNA DANCE DANCE DANCE DADANCE DANCE FANTASTIC BABY!!!!!" The whole Fam, including me, screamed/shouted the lyrics while dancing/jumping to the song.

We have created a crowd and danced any step. This is the kind of happiness our Fam always feel every exciting and happy thing happens.

Once the song finished, we all went back to our seats like nothing happen. We all looked at each other surprised we all did the same thing at the same time then we burst into laughter.

"Reg you gotta teach us that kind of attitude and how you guys do that." Con said through the mic.

I laughed. They sure are very amused at us. "Hahaha! Sure Con. We do have a very contagious virus within us. It's a very good virus so no worries 'bout it." I half screamed.

"Okay Reg. Now back to partying!" Con said and we all stood up and formed into a crowd again.

* * *

I chuckled. "James this is the fifth time you asked me to dance with you."

He chuckled too. "You're very irresistible princess. And I really do enjoy hugging you while dancing." He said then winked.

I giggled. "Okay then."

He took me dancing for the fifth time. Literally. Every time no one is dancing with me, he takes that chance. Most of my mates have already danced with me. This is also the first time someone has asked me to dance more than three times.

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