Chapter 26 - Sacrifice

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Niall's POV

What a wonderful week passed by. My plan is so successful. Now that they are all down there, I'm the one she's gonna contact to ask for her family. Since she knows that I'm the only one doing these kind of 'horrible' things they say.

She has called me yesterday. She was asking why Liam, Harry and Connor didn't came back the other night. I only laughed at it and told her I don't know where they are. And with that, I could sense her suspecting me to be the suspect of this.

I'm also positive that those American lads won't come with her since they don't even know this. But before I could do anything with her, I have to get Brendan Kenneth and Sharinamae from the aiport so she'll worry even more. I can't believe making this would be so much fun and I'm so satisfied at myself.

"James I need you to go to the airport now and get these people." I said to him and showed a picture of the two.

He looked at it. "Will do." He said then scurried off.

I opened the basement door a little. I wanna play with them for a while before James returns. They all looked at me.

"Nialler James Horan! Let us fucking out of here!" Harry said that made me roll my eyes at him.

"I told you before, not until she says 'yes' to be my girlfriend. What the fuck does that even mean to you? It isn't even that hard to understand."

Liam scoffed. "Oh, please. She will never approve that."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh really? How sure you are that she isn't even going to do that? Does she have any other choice? No." I said proudly.

He stood up. "Because Nate is already courting her. You were so busy here trying to get us one by one, you have no idea what's really going on there at L.A. and what social media has been talking about." He said smirking.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Please. Those American lads won't be able to go with the trio here since they don't even know about this whole thing. And what is really going on."

"Stupid! Nate has been going to Harry's apartment ever since they started dating. She told her that her family has gone missing. He always find ways to cheer her up. He is doing everything he can what you and James can't. You lads are 7 years older than her. He is three years older than her so he understands her more than the both of you. Stop your fucking imagination that you and her are possible for each other!" Connor yelled that got me taken aback. He's being the tough guy here now. I've never seen him that tough before. He's usually the quiet one among those lads.

I laughed at him. "That's the first time I hear you being the tough guy here." He just glared at me. Actually, all of them are.

"They aren't even that famous because they are still the new band. They don't even have a single yet." I said then laughed again.

"But why us lads? When we first started, we also did covers and we didn't even release 'What Makes You Beautiful' till 2012." Louis said sternly.

I opened my mouth to speak but my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller I.D. It's James.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. Oh, and I also got Brendan Kenneth and Sharinamae from the aiport. James is already on the way here. Which means my plan is really successful. Be back later for another chit chat. I need to answer this call."

I closed the door and headed to the living room. I answered James.

"This better be good news." I said to him coolly.

"It is. We got the people you said and we'll be there in five minutes."

I grinned. "Definitely great news. Great work James. I'm proud of you."

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