Chapter 16 - Family H~

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Reg's POV

It's been a great afternoon to spend some time with my bro again but he has to go back tomorrow morning. I'm gonna miss him a lot.

We went to Claire's then to the hotel where my cousins and 5SOS met my bro for the first time, had a little fun time with them at the London eye then ate at McDonald's.

We've been back here two hours ago. My bro is fast asleep. Not surprising because it's almost 10 o'clock. I need to be resting now too but I can't right now. I've spent some time with Fall an hour ago which caused me to be a low battery because of his activeness.

I'm looking out at the balcony. It's surprising I haven't been here for over a year and I had so many experiences for my first almost two weeks stay now.

I felt a jacket placed on me. I turned around to see James. "It's a bit cold out here princess. You should go in now."

I smiled. "Thanks but I wanna stay here for a little bit longer. It feels kind of relaxing for me."

He stood beside me. "Something wrong?" He said and I shook my head. "I can see it in your eyes princess. I know you better than the lads." He placed his hand on my cheek to make me look at him. "Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed. "Well, I've been busy with you lads lately and I still haven't visited my cousins for a good three days after the incident back at Harry's. Then my bro is gonna leave tomorrow morning plus the fact that I still am upset about the 1D lads when they yelled at each other." I said not making eye contact with him. I sighed and looked at the distance. "Also, I can't seem contact Family H~. They usually answer our Skype calls but no one is answering. I've been doing it for the past few days. I feel like they forgot me."

He smiled. "You still have a lot to experience princess. You are also the one that taught me how to be optimistic on things like this. I think you should do the same." He caressed my cheek. "It's really true that the happiest people are the saddest."

"I just don't want to see you guys feeling like that. I always love seeing my friends happy and away from problems."

"I understand. But I love seeing the happy-crazy-minded-hyper-active you often." He said and I smile a little then a tear slip out of my eye.

He wipe it off with his thumb then laughed. "Don't cry 'cause of that."

I giggled. "I'm not. It just got out of eye."

He chuckled. "You really need to rest now. We can solve your problems one by one starting tomorrow."


He nod. "Yeah. We. Us. I'm gonna help you. Most specially for your loss of contact to your fam."

I nod and we headed back inside. I sat down on the edge of the bed when he pulled me to him as I shriek. "James!"

"Sorry for that princess." He chuckled. "But I like it when I sleep close to you." He said and I playfully rolled my eyes which made him laugh.

Niall's POV

Its so nice to finally meet Family H~. They're all sweet, kind and very hyper-active. I've been trying really hard to memorise their names but I get a bit confused.

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