Chapter 21 - Can't Remember

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Niall's POV

Finally arrived at Japan after a long flight. We are in Tokyo. Somewhere in Tokyo that I don't wanna elaborate more. The lab of the scientist is close.

Fans spotted the both of us and were shocked that me and him are in good terms now. Pretending to be in good terms rather.

"Hurry up McVey. The lab is just 3 more miles. I can already see it from here."

I heard him sigh. "Coming." He said in monotone.

I rolled my eyes at him. Shish.

He fasten his pace a little to catch up with me. Oh yeah I am excited to be entering that laboratory. Once we step inside it, he can't do anything to escape from it. I have paid a very expensive price for this to be fulfilled and now it's finally happening.

Only a few steps away. Whoa, there are a lot of security surrounding this lab. And they sure look very serious about guarding the place. I bet the equipments in there are very expensive too.

We have arrived at the entrance. I faced him and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Well, this is it."

He looked around the place then looked on the ground. I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. You still have at least a few more minutes to treasure your memories with her before it goes completely gone."

He nod then I pushed him towards the door and he opened it. Both of us entered and I'm surprised. This has gotta one of the best places I've been. This place is full of advanced technology and gadgets I've never seen before.

There are also loads of robots here that has different functions. Cool. Awesome. And I'm very speechless. No wonder now why I paid a very expensive price.

We went towards the receptionist. "Ohayou. Is professor Watanisha here?"

The lady behind the counter typed at the computer. "Yes sir. He 's on the second floor at room 498." She said then gestured towards the elevator.

I smiled. "Arigato Gozaimazu Ma'am."

We were about to go towards the elevator when she called us. "Wait, you're Niall right? From One Direction?" She asked pointing at me and I nod.

"You're James from The Vamps right?" He forced a smile and nod.

She began to squeal and brought up her phone. "Can I take a solo picture with you guys?" She asked and we both nod.

"Arigato. Arigato." She said after taking picture with us then we went towards professor's room.

We finally made it to his room and he was really delighted to see me in person. He also asked why I requested him to remove James' memories with Reg but I didn't answer it and changed the topic.

"The equipment will be ready in ten minutes. You boys just sit and relax first." He said then entered one of the doors.

I faced him. "Well McVey, ten minutes is now running. We'll be in so very good terms once those memories of you and her are gone."

He just glared at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "You're lucky this is all I'm gonna do to you and not beat you up again." I shrugged. "You're completely finished if I beat you up but I guessed that's too much. I spared your life already. You should be thankful that this is what I'm only doing to you."

He just keeps on glaring at what I'm saying. Pathetic.

I sat on the chair. "Stop looking at me like that. You know, if only you gave me way for her to be mine then we won't have any problems like this."

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