Chapt~1~:First Day

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(Geno 8 yrs old,Error 7,and Fresh is 6
They are brothers)

Error's POV

"Error! We're gonna be late!,get up already!" A very familiar voice yelled behind the door...
"Yeah! Come on mah big brother! It's our first day of school! broski!" The other one said...
"5 more minutes...." I whimpered
"Are u crazy!??,stand up now! Or I'll force u to do so!"
"Right! I'm coming,I'm coming" I told them as I heard the foot steps went away

I sighed
Elementary days huh...
I think this is gonna be boring..
I stood up then stretching my bones
I looked at the time,its 6:30am!
Holy shoot!
I'm gonna be late!
They said it will start at 7am
I quickly changed my clothes then ran outside through the kitchen and puts the 2 sliced breads on toaster
I packed my school supplies while waiting for the bread to be toast

I then took the toasted bread and ate it
I saw my two brothers Geno and Fresh are already ready then went outside
"Hey! Wait for me!" I exclaimed then followed them from behind

"Oh Error,here's your glasses btw" I glanced at Geno who was giving me the glasses
I then took it and wears it,there my vision is very clear now...and it's really beautiful day tho
"Tnx" I thanked him,he just nodded

Minute in half later

We are now in the School
We then went inside,I saw some random monsters like skeleton,bunnies, and others that are on my age too I guess,the others are already in high school
Me and my brothers are now got separated away then went to our class rooms
I then spotted and went to an empty chair with table,I sat down and put my backpack down...
I see that my other classmates are chatting to each other,while the others are minding their own businesses
The teacher came in,finally
They went back to their own seats
"Okay class or kids,let me introduce myself first,my name's Alpha!Sans and u can just call me sir Alpha
I'll be your English,and Science teacher and your adviser" sir Alpha simply explained
He then gazed at all of us here..
"Hmm...seems like someone's absent in a first day of school,I see" He stated
"Okay,it's your turn to introduce yourselves!
Let's start with u,what's your name?" He said pointing at me
I stood up and I'm still nervous tho...
"Umm my name is Error,I'm 7 yrs-" suddenly I was cut off by my 'soon to be bully'
"Who cares,nerd!" A monster dog said and the others laughed
I looked down,feeling ashamed...
"Sssshhh no bullying ok?! Sorry about that Error,u may sit down now
Ok next!" sir Alpha said,I did what he said
The other student stood up
"My name's Nightmare,7 yrs old,and now I'm here to study" the purple skeleton simply said as the teacher just hummed then let him sat down

-few minutes later-
The introduction is already finished
We are now reading a book
While the teacher was writing something
Hmm I wonder who was the 2 absent students..

Suddenly,the door burst open by a skeleton with yellow clothes and circlet too on his head,just like Nightmare's but different one...
"I'm so so so sorry sir that I'm late!" The yellow skel said
"Oh my,no worries,u may take your seat beside your brother,open the English book then read and turn to page 1-5" sir Alpha simply said
As the yellow skel just nodded and sat on the empty chair between me and Nightmare
Wait...that's Nightmare's bro?
"Brother! Why didn't u wake me uuuup!" Yellow skel said and leaning closer to his brother
"Sorry Dream,I was not in a mood" Nightmare simply said
Ooh...his name is Dream..I see
Welp there is another one student who is not present yet...
I look beside me to see an empty chair and table...
I guess that was his/her seat
"Oh hey there,u look interesting,what's your name,I'm Dream btw! Nice to mee u!" Dream exclaimed suddenly leaned closer to me
I glitched up a little
Wow,this one is talkative
"Oh umm I wont tell u,just nice to meet u too anyways..." I said nervously
I don't really like telling anybody my name anymore...I feel like a jerk
"But I would like to know!
I'll keep your name through my memories then to my heart" he simply said
My eyes just widened to hear that words coming from him...
"Umm...I'm Error..." I said simply as he look shock
Hmm maybe my name was really ugly tho...
"Cool name!" He exclaimed as he proceeds to read a book
Wow...I think I want to become friends with him but I'll ask him later
I'll finish to read my book for a while

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