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Ink's POV

I slowly woke up because I smelled something...delicious?
I then sat up and started stretching, I can hear my bones popping freshly
I noticed that Error was not on my side anymore
I then got up and removed my clothes then went to the bathroom that was connected in our room
I then took a shower and humming softly
So fresh

After taking a shower,I wrapped myself with towel and exited the bathroom
I then grabbed my new clothes and wore them

I exited the room then went to the living room but I still can smell that delicious smell
I went to the kitchen to see Error finished cooking pancakes
Woah! I didn't knew Error can cook!
Mmm,it also has a fresh smell

He then took the pancakes and turned to my direction, he was surprised a bit to see me
"Oh,good morning Inky~
Did ya sleep well?" He asked then put down the pancakes on the table
I then walked to him and gave him a warm smile and kissed him on the cheek
"Good morning too glitchy even tho there's no sun outside*giggles*
Yes I slept well" I said he just chuckled
"Well atleast we had a clock,and it was now 6 in the morning
Yeh too early" he said
"Hehe it's okay Glitchy,let's eat!" I exclaimed

We then sat on the table together then grabbed the pancakes.
He started eating his and me nibbling mine
"Mmm! Taste good!
I never knew you can cook well!" I exclaimed he just chuckled then continued eating his
I also started eating mine continuously


Me and Error are now in the living room sitting on the couch watching TV
"Oh I almost forgot,Error I need to go out for a while,can I?" I asked Error as I already grabbed my broomie
"Where are u going?" He asked me
" my...friends..?" I lied awkwardly
He stood up then kissed me on the mouth
"Of course, but be careful okay?" He said worriedly
"Of course, Glitchy!" I exclaimed then ran outside and made a portal on the floor and hopped in

I wasn't actually going to my friends
I was actually going to my dads...
I really really missed them so much tho

I finally arrived my destination
I was now infront of their house tho
I walked towards the door then knocked
It didn't take long,the door finally opened slowly by dad Zephyr
I awkwardly waved at him as greeting him 'hi'
The door opened wide and he suddenly pulled me into a hug,a comfortable hug
"Ink! Dear!,it's been a while
We missed you!" He exclaimed,the hug became tighter
"Hehe...yeah I missed you too,where's dad Top?" I said then asked him
He then released me from the hug, I gasped for air
"Well,he's in the kitchen preparing our tea
Come in!" He said then exclaimed
I then come in and he closed the door from behind
I walked to the living room to see Reaper and Cross playing chess
"Big bros!" I called them
"OH HI OUR BB BRO!" They all exclaimed as Reaper used his blue magic at me then pulled me towards them,he then hugged me as I sat on his lap
Wow...that hurt a little...
So that was how it feels if...the blue magic being used in you...

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