Chapt~24~:Getting Ready

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Ink's POV

I just gave him an empty look
"AnD...tHosE rEaSonS is...tO sEe yOu,hElP yOu...tHeN-" I cut him off
"Forget it,you can't help me anymore,it will never work" I said emotionlessly,I then turned my back on him and walked away
"W-wAiT,yOu dEsErvE tO bE hApPy anD I rEaLlY wAnTed tO hElp yOu!" He exclaimed
I didn't respond him for awhile nor turned to look at him
"I...I'm gOnnA heLp yOu...tO exPreSs rEaL eMoTioNs or fEeLings..." He said calmly
I turned my head to see him,he was looking at the ground and a little bit sad on his face
"And...iF u dOnT rEaLly waNt to...I'll jUsT leA-"
"Let's start tomorrow" I interrupted then walked away
"Let's go back inside guys" I told Shattered and Yanberry emotionlessly, they just nodded then glared at Error for awhile then walked away.
I saw Error made a portal beside him then glanced at me for a while
I just have him a blank stare,he just smiled at me...
No...that was a warm smile he gave me.
He stepped in the portal then closed.
I sighed then walked inside


We are now in the living room sitting on the couch while Shattered and Yanberry glaring at me.
I just didn't care and gave them a blank stare
"Are you insane!?" Blue asked
"Maybe he will trick you again! Or you will never know what will be the consequences!" Shattered slightly yelled
"I always dream this" I blankly said
"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Shattered asked
"To have real feelings of course" I blankly said
"But that's impossible for you to have a soul!" Blue exclaimed
"Exactly!" Shattered added
I just stood up then walked away
"I know what I'm doing" I blankly said then went to my room

I flopped on my bed and staring at the ceiling blanky...

I really hope...he'll help me to express real feelings...
And he will never hurt me again..
I guys that's his pay back huh? To help me express real feelings...
I really dreamed to have my own soul tho

Hmm...I'll see you tomorrow, Glitchy

I slowly closed my eyes then drifted off to sleep.

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