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Error's POV

I was surprise that Ink welcomed me in so I started exploring his mouth with my tongues, he let out a soft moan,I enjoyed kissing him for a while

I then pulled away from the kiss to gasp some air as a trail of saliva connected to our mouth
I then leaned closer to his neck and started licking it and biting it,he moaned and was trying to push me because of how hurt was the bite was
And now he's mine and only mine because he gained bitmark from me
"E-Error...what a-are yo-" I cut him off by pulling out his soul with my strings being wrapped on it
I then grabbed it and unwrapped it

His expression was now completely confused and scared of what am I gonna do with it
"E-Error- AH!" He moaned as I started licking his soul
I must admit that his soul tastes like skittles
I then stopped licking it as he was now breathing heavily but he finally relaxed
I looked up at him
"Are ya enjoying?~" I asked then returned his soul back
"I-" his words was cut off by the door suddenly being burst by a familiar voice
"Omg Ink! You wo-...." We quickly turned to see Dream with a shock expression on his face but he continued anyway
"Oh my...stars...sorry for interrupting something but...I need to go now...and...don't forget to use protection!" He exclaimed then closed the door
His last sentence made us both blush hard
I then untied Ink and he suddenly ran outside to talk to Dream properly
I just sighed then stood up as well and went to the kitchen to drink water

After drinking,I went outside to see Ink and Dream are still talking or chatting with each other
I walked towards them
"What u guys talking about?" I asked them,Dream was sweating and Ink just sighed
"Well...first of all....Dream didnt knock the door first before entering,
second,Dream invited us to a game and if someone wons,they have...kinda have...uh...." Ink trailed
"With prizes" Dream continued
"Yes! Prizes!
Can we come Error? Plsssss?" Ink pleaded making puppy eyes on me
"Fine..." I said as they squealed from excitement

"When are we gonna go and where?" I asked Dream
"Oh it was now! And just in Nightmare's Castle!" Dream exclaimed
"Oh! I also forgot,if someone loses the game,they'll clean the whole mansion!" Dream added
"Heh okay then" I said
I was planning to escape tho...if I ever lose

Dream then made a portal to Nightmare's castle
"Come on let's go!" Dream exclaimed
We then stepped in and Dream closed the portal
We are now in the throne room of Nightmare's castle
I saw my brothers are also here for that game
"What game anyways?" I asked Dream
"I dunno actually" Dream said
I facepalmed

As everyone was already here now like my brothers,Ink's friends,and the gang
Nightmare was sitting on his throne and stood up

"Okay...we'll be playing hide and seek!
The prizes will be...or...
If someone wons the game...the others will be following their commands!for one week!
Plus they'll go in the carnival tonight with free tickets! " Nightmare exclaimed
"Come on this is just for fun~" he added

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