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Ink's POV

Finally...done fixing the mess that Error made
I then felt dizzy and suddenly dropped my giant paintbrush...
Maybe because of too much abuse?
Or...too much of my energy being used to fix,helped the creators to make,fight,...and regenerating myself...?

Ugh,quit of these nonsense, I need to find Blue now

I then grabbed my giant paintbrush that was on the ground and made a portal on the floor but suddenly....
I saw Blue!?
Running towards his house but then he saw me so he ran towards me
"Mwehehe! Ink,this place looks great now!
Did u also used your magic to fix my home?" He asked me
I just nodded and quite shock
"Umm Blue,how did u escaped...?" I asked him confused
"Oh uh,he let me free!
That's magnificent right!?" He exclaimed
Wait...he let Blue free?...
That's impossible...
"Oh umm where did he took u to?" I asked him
"Hmm I really don't know actually... But all white everywhere except that he has a beanbag and a tv..." He mused
That place kinda familiar...
"Oh uh okay,thanks again Blue" I thanked him and he nodded,I was now limping so he noticed
"Umm are u okay?,let me help you!" He exclaimed
" thanks Blue,but I gotta go now,and u need to go back cuz your Papy missed u and worried about u" I told him then quickly hopped to my portal

I'm now in the Anti-Void...
Cuz it's been a week that I didn't refill my vials,so I need to refill these now.
Yeah...this is the place where I refill my vials and I hope my phobia is not kicking in
I sat down for a while to wait...
"HeLlo?!" A glitching voice said
And I quickly recognized that,so I immediately stood up then grabbed my giant paintbrush and in a fighting stance
Wtf is he doing here anyway and where is he?
Dang I felt dizzy again,but I have to hold it

Error suddenly teleported infront of me
I flinched
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him
He just chuckled
"Oh mY...I diD'nT nOtiCed yOu'rE sHoRtEr tHaN mE *chuckles*,wHaT aRe u dOiNg HeRe??" He said then repeated my question
"Hey! I-I'm not s-short!,you're j-just tall!
And I a-asked the q-question f-first!" I was now stuttering while yelling...
I hope he won't noticed
"ScAreD aRen'T yA?
WeLl tHiS iS mY hOmE aNd yOu'Re nOt wElcOmE hErE!" He exclaimed then suddenly summoned his strings and tied me up,but I was still infront of him.
"H-hey l-let me go!,I m-mean no harm,if u want t-to f-fight with m-me,l-later ok?
I-Im just here to...uh...have a visit...?" I stuttered
He was still glaring at me
He started gripping me with his strings,so I can hardly breath now...I'm so weak...
Well...unfortunately, I passed out.

Error's POV

I tied him up and glaring at him and he said that he's just having a visit?
Well...I don't really trust him so I slowly started gripping him with my strings,so he couldn't really pass out that easily...I also noticed that he was limping and stuttering... I wonder what's wrong with him...wait no I shouldn't care.
He's my enemy after all.
He then suddenly passed out...I didn't even grip him that tighter?!
Oh well...I'm also having a bad feeling that something was off?

I just teleported back to my beanbag,and I also brought him,he was still on my strings tied up

I sighed,I wanna visit my brothers for a while

I made a portal in front of me then went in and closed the portal from behind
I was shock that I was already infront of Geno...
"Oh...hEy GeN,whAt'S uP?" I asked him
"Oh Error how are ya?" He asked me
"*sigh* jUsT doIn fInE...hOw aBoUt yA?" I asked him
"Oh uh,doing great tho
Waiting for Reaper...Ō////Ō" he said then....did he just blushed?
"Uh hUh...u hAvE fEeLinGs fOr HiM doNt yA?" I asked him,he then looked away and covered his face with his scarf
Well...I'll take that as a yes.
"HeY uMm...dO yO-" suddenly I was cut off by Reaper teleported infront of me or between us,facing Geno,he then suddenly hugged my brother
"Ey Gen Gen,I missed ya already~" he teased

Ugh...I don't like him...
"HeY Gen-" I was cut off again by Reaper pulled Geno away from me then teleported away...
Is he ignoring or avoiding me?...
Oh well I'm gonna call Fresh
"Hey FrEsH! ArE u HeRe?
CoMe oUt,I waNnA tAlK tO yOu!" I yelled
I waited for a while...,he should be here soon
I called his name again...

3 mins later

Umm...he didn't appear...maybe busy?
I just took a deep breath then sighed
I guess they're avoiding me huh?
I just made a portal back to my home and stepped in then closed the portal from behind
I sat down on my beanbag and glanced to my side,Ink was still asleep? I guess
I made him laid back down on my beanbag,my strings let go of him,and I'm gonna check on him

I then summoned his status or something and it says

Birthdate:April 15
Likes:Creating,Aus,F̶̶r̶̶i̶̶e̶̶n̶̶d̶̶s̶̶,Skittles,Rainbow(all colors)
Interest: !¢{¢}E̶̶r̶̶r̶0r̶̶∆×€©]}¢?
Dang I can't read all of them any further,cuz it started glitching but I just understood the others...
I then unsummoned his status or all about him
Well...I can see that we are in the same age but I couldn't really read the names of his home?
And his birthdate...same as my the past...
And his likes are horrible..I don't even like his likes
And his hp didn't even showed up...

Well...I'll just heal him instead


After healing him...he was still unconscious or asleep?
But nah,I sat far away from him,avoiding physical contact
Then took out my photo of my family...(the picture from above,and sorry I couldn't really find the artist for credit)
Then staring at it...
I couldn't find my mom too..
Where did mom and Blank go anyways...

I can feel some tears form from my eyesockets then flows down through my cheeks
I then started sobbing
Then some of my tears dripped on my picture
I can see that Mom's face,Geno's face, and Fresh's face covered with my tear drops...
Only my face that was not wet

I suddenly felt that Ink was now waking up
I quickly hide my picture on my jacket and wiped my tears away.

Ink's POV

I slowly opened my eyes...
My head hurts a little now..
And what even happend?

I slowly sat up then looked around,I saw Error sitting and that was not too far he was just in a distance or just avoiding physical contact with me..cuz I can see by the look on his face.

I then finally remembered
Then stared at Error for a while who was still looking at me
He then suddenly broke the silence
"StOp sTaRiNg" he said as he moved near beside me and still avoiding physical contact with each other
"Umm...did u just healed me...?" I asked him
He sighed
"NoT aLl bAd gUyS aRe bAd" he simply said
I then looked away from him
"Oh....I uhh...I see"
"WhAt eVeN hAppEnEd tO yOu?" He asked me
"Umm..." I trailed
"It'S oKaY iF u DoN'T wAnT tO tAlK aBoUt iT,sHoRty" he said then took out a very detailed Sans doll and hand made under his beanbag
I blushed a bit by the nickname he gave me but just faded away
"I'm not short! You're just tall...umm uh..." I paused for a while,thinking a perfect nickname for him

After I thought and told the nickname to him...
I suddenly felt pain on my cheek?

[1377 words]

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