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No one's POV

Ink finally revived or resurrected Error
Error's eyes was still close,him and Ink are facing at each other
Error slowly opened his eyes on to meet Ink that was infront of him already crying then dropped his broomie and suddenly tackled Error with a hug,a comfortable hug
"Error!" Ink exclaimed happily
Error was shock at first but his memories slowly coming back and flashing back to him

'He helped Ink to feel real feelings...
They fight because of a little misunderstanding..
He died because he protected his love life' Error thought
He carefully hugged Ink back
"Heh...missed me?" Error said then chuckled
Ink finally pulled away from the hug then helped Error to stand up

"Okay...let's leave them alone for a while,let's go brother" Dream said then pulled his brother by the wrist and Nightmare just mumbled something

Ink suddenly slapped Error on the face
"Owww,what was that for?" Error asked while rubbing his cheek
"Don't do that again you jerk!" Ink exclaimed
"Do what?" Error asked,even tho he already know what was Ink talking about
Ink just hugged him again but this time it was now more tighter than ever
"I-Ink...c-can I breath..?" Error whimpered
Ink just started to cry on Error's chest
"Woah woah calm down,don't cry!
Alright,u can kill me again with your hug!" Error exclaimed
Ink then finally pulled away and Error gasping for air
"*sniff* it's just...I'm glad...I brought you back...and...everything will be fine now" Ink said while wiping his tears

"Oh..? How did u even brought me back to life?" Error asked,confused
Ink just giggled,without a warning,Ink lifted his shirt up and Error's eyes just widened in shock

Error saw Ink's body being filled with twirling tattoos around his bones like the ribs and the spine
He also saw that Ink has a soul now
That was a rainbow soul
Ink quickly pulled down his shirt then looked away,feeling embarrassed
He was also blushing tho

"Heh...I'm glad you have a soul now Ink
And you can finally feel real emotions and feelings!" Error exclaimed
Ink then glanced back at Error and smiled at him,Error smiled back
"Well...all thanks to you! Glitchy!" Ink exclaimed
"Don't worry...anything for you my Inky~" Error teased Ink,making Ink blushed alot

"*cough* *cough* sorry for interruption but...are u two done? Cuz we still got things to do" Reaper told them that was floating
Ink then looked at Error in the face and Error just nodded to go on
Ink just sighed then grabbed his broomie

"Let me handle all the mess!" Ink exclaimed while he raised his broomie up
"Umm are you sure you can do it on your own..?
I would like to hel-" Error was cut off by Ink putting a finger on his mouth
"Shush!,I can do this,no worries!" Ink exclaimed and started fixing all the mess that Infected made

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