Chapt~19~:I love you...

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Ink's POV

I was stunned by his question...
Should I tell him..?
The truth...?
If I'll tell him the truth that I'm soulless...
He won't like me anymore...worst is...our friendships will be broken..

"Helloooo..? Stars to Ink?" Error said snapping me back to reality
"Oh I...umm...that's a long story hehe..." I shyly said
"Okay then...I'm just glad that we're together again..." He said
I blushed by his words
Should I tell him my feelings about him?
That...I like
Not LOVE, coming from the heart even tho my soul doesn't exist...
Maybe he'll just reject me...
It's been years tho

"So uh...Ink...I have to tell u something..." He paused
He then moved towards me,I moved too,so we are now facing at each other
"'s been years and everyday I've been thinking alot about you.
You were the one who made me happy alot since we were kids

I like you Ink" he said bravely

Wow even tho I can't told him is he so brave to tell me that??
Well...I'm so glad he likes me back
"It's okay if u don't feel the same..." He said then looked away from me,still blushing
"I like you too Error!" I exclaimed
He looked back at me shock but still have a glad look on his face
I tackled him then suddenly kissed him on the mouth
I was now blushing hard and so do him
Gladly...he kissed back
He's mine and only mine...

Error's POV

I'm so happy he liked me back!
And he also kissed me!
This is heaven...
No one can ever take him away from me...and now he's mine and only mine
I loved him

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