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Error's POV

I woke up,it was ready morning,I then stood up and doing what we always do after we woke up like taking a shower then eating breakfast...
Today was now celebrating a fiest or peace between humans and monsters!
I'm so excited!

I then wore my hoodie and ran to the door and opened it to go outside but suddenly
"Error dear,don't pressure yourself and don't rush,u might hurt yourself, bring your brothers too ok?and always stick together, u might get lost" mom said concerned
I just smiled at her
"See,u heard that glitchy boi,let me and Fresh come with you" Geno said while walking to me
"Ye! Broseph,you are always at your own" Fresh mused
"Uugh...fine,I was just hanging out with my bestfriend that's all" I groaned
"Uh huh..." Geno trailed off
We then walked outside then closed the door from behind


We are now at the Town, I can see that the people looks really happy and getting ready for theirselves and for the fiest
Everywhere was full of many flowers,that designed every corner and also in the wires above

I looked back to see where my brothers was currently in...
They are not there anymore..
But mom said stick together right?
I then gazed everywhere, and there, I only saw Geno talking to someone?
Wait I know that guy...
He's talking with Reaper!?
Blank's older brother as what Blank mentioned it to me last week...
I then walked to them,Geno was laughing and so did Reaper,hmm maybe telling jokes to each other?
"Ey Gen,have u seen Fresh?
I just turned around and u two immediately just separated away..." I mused
Geno and Reaper glanced at me
"Oh uhh...maybe he's just at the game stalls?" Geno said half asking
I just rolled my eyes and walked away from them
I then spotted someone from the distance and ran towards it
"Blank! There u are!" I exclaimed as I was now on his side,he then looked to me
"Oh,isn't this place looks amazing?" He asked me as he look around
"Yap!" I respond
"Let's buy food! And wander around!" I exclaimed, he just nodded
I then pulled his wrist and runs making him follow me.
We are now at the cotton candies stall
I looked amazed of how colorful they are
"Oh hey kids,how can I help u?" The human said
"Can we have 2 cotton candies please!" I exclaimed
"Ok,which color would u like?" He asked
"Blue!,what about u Blank?" I exclaimed then looked to Blank who was looking at the different colors of cotton candies
"Umm...can I have Blue color too..." He said

Hmm...he hardly choose colors...
So he really don't have favorites huh?
That sucks,I hope one day he he'll have his favorites

The man nodded and gave us the cotton candies,we then paid him and walked away
Me and Blank are now eating cotton candies
"Mmm,they are sweet" Blank simply said
I just smiled at him,we sat down on a bench for a while to finish our food
"So umm Blank,do u have any weaknesses?" I asked starting a conversation
"Nope,but I have 1 fear..." He said while eating his cotton candy
"What is it then?" I asked him,finishing my cotton candy too
" day,we'll fight each other then broke our friendships...
Or maybe I have a weakness too..." He paused as he was now done eating cotton candy
I gulped
"Can u tell me?,and promise I won't use it against u!" I exclaimed
He sighed
"You" he simply said
Wait...his weakness is me?
I think we had a lot of commons...cuz my weakness is him too...that I might lose him one day...
"What about me?" I asked making sure of something
"That I might lose day..." He said
Woah....I knew it
This friendship is really touching huh...or a bit of...umm..u know-
"How about u?" He suddenly asked me,snapping my thoughts
"Oh umm same as u hehe...heh" I said shyly,I then finished my cotton candy

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