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Error's POV

Okay...this is it...
It's now or never..
It's time.

I stood up then stretching my bones and hearing some fresh pops from them while stretching am I gonna make Ink happy..?
This is gonna be a loong day...

I sighed then turned around around to see Ink already there infront of me which freaked me out
"GAH! InK? YoU-" he cut me off by putting a finger on my mouth
"Sshh...yes I'm already here,so what now?" He said coldly then removed his finger on my mouth
"Oh uh...diD u bRinG-" he cut me off again
"I brought my sash of empty vials,let's start already" he said emotionlessly
Being impatient,eh?
Well then

"Ok fIrsT lEt'S siT doWn" I told him
We both sat down,we are facing with each other
"HmM...whAt maKes yOu hAppY?" I asked him
He just shrugged
"Dunno" he simply said

"OkaY...uHh...hoW aBouT a PuN!" I exclaimed
He just gave me a blank stare
"Or...soMe jOkEs...?"
He shrugged
Okay let's start...
"WhY dO sKelEtoNs dOn'T fIghT?" I asked him
He thought for a while
"Why?" He simply asked
"BecAuSe tHeY dOnT haVe gUts!,pfffft" after I told him,I just laughed a little on my own joke...
"Haha,funny" he said sarcastically didn't work
"Ok ok,aNoThEr oNe.." I trailed
"WhY dIdn't tHe sKeleToN waNt to dAnCe?" I asked
He shrugged
"Why?" He asked
"'Cause hE haD nO bOdY to dAnCe wIth,haHa" I told him then I snickered
"Ok.." He respond coldy
Damn this...

"Do U kNow hOw tO knIt?" I asked him
He just shook his head
"OkAy,I caN teAcH yaH" I said then summoned an empty two puppets or not even designed yet
I sat beside him and started teaching him

-temskip-[I'm so lazy]

I'm now done teaching him
I made another puppet of him again while he made a puppet of me's very detailed tho

Ink's POV

I swear his jokes are terrible
And doesn't really make any sense...
His first question was 'Why do skeletons don't fight?' Even tho we all fight...

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