Chapt~17~:I missed you

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Error's POV

"BlaNk...?" I muttered
But that's ridiculous!
He can't be Blank!
Maybe King Multiverse is just lying!
Blank was gone years ago!

"Oh um...greetings to you to King Multiverse,but Blank's not my name anymore,it's Ink" Ink simply said
After hearing those words...
I felt my soul stopped beating for a second
And I can feel my tears already streaming down to my face
"W-wait,Error are you okay!?" Ink asked me in a concerned way
I need a proof...that if he's really Blank...
"ShOw mE yOuR hAlF hEaRt LocKeT" I simply commands
" did yo-"
"JuSt sHoW mE,dAmNiT!" I half yelled,forgetting about King Multiverse is still here
"Ok ok,geez" he said then showed me his half heart locket and the picture of me was still there...
He really bestfriend
How blind of me!?
I should have known!
I...should...have known...
Without a warning,I quickly hugged him tight
"Woah Error,what's wrong!?" He asked
Still don't know what's happening.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE MISSED YOU!" I exclaimed,making Ink flinched a bit

Ink's POV

After hearing those words...
And now I understand and not confused...
I need some proof too...but I feel like it's really him
And there's no any mistake that it's him
Why I just realized it now!?
I should've known!
I should...have...known...

"A-are y-you really my G-Glitchy?" I stuttered
"Y-yeS BlaNk iTs mE...Glitchy....aNd I'm sO soRrY fOr nOt tEllInG yOu mY rEaL nAmE...*sob*" he said then started crying,still hugging me tight
I can't believe it...
It's really him!
I hugged back
"LoOk I'm sO sO soRrY fOr nOt tEllInG yOu mY nAmE anD I rEaLlY reGreT eVerYthInG oF wHaT I hAvE dOnE,esPeCiaLly oF wHaT I hAvE dOnE tO yOu!
I huRt yOu aLoT!
AnD I kNoW yOu HaTe mE cUz I hUrt yOu aLoT wIthOuT kNoWinG wHo u ReAllY arE anD,aNd I-" I cut him off because that's too much now...
I don't want to see him hurt so much...
"Error it's okay! I will never hate you,yes we've fought alot each other but I never hated you!,please I'm sorry too for everything...
And it's okay now right? Cuz I'm here now...we're okay" I said while rubbing his back,comforting him
"BuT InK,wHaT I hAvE dOnE iS uNfoRgIvAbLe!
"But u never promised that you'll never hurt me right?" I snaps
He then thought for a while
"Y-yeah buT...yOu'Ve bEeN mY bEsT fRiEnd! *sigh*
BuT tHankS foR foRgiViNg mE aNd...unDerStaNdIng mE" he said as we got separated from the hug
He then wiped his tears away and looking down a bit
"I missed you too,Glitchy" I said,he then looked at me then gave me a warm smile
I smiled back

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