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Ink's POV

I am now in my the star sans base...
I don't know where was everybody and why it's so quiet in here
I still have tears in my eyes...
Streaming down to my cheeks..
Hugging my knees.

I already shattered my that I will never feel anymore...
I'm also emotionless now...
I don't know what to do anymore
I looked down to the floor to see the fragments of my paint vials
I don't need them anymore
They're so useless

Where the fuck is Blue and Dream?
They should be here already
And it's already late...

Hmm,maybe I'll go find them
Besides...they're my 'bestfriends' afterall...

I stood up then grabbed my broomie and swiped some paint on the floor then hopped in

I'm now in Undertale
The original one.
And I felt something's bad gonna happen

I walked for a while then I saw Classic sitting on his post and chatting with Fell
Wow...what a lovey dovey couple
I walked to them but something...made me stop...
A hand being tapped on my shoulder
I turned around to see...

Blue? But...more bloody?

"Oh? Mwahaha!,you're looking good Ink!
Btw what are you doing here?" He asked with an insane smile on his face

I'm so confused...
What even happened to him?

"Just came to visit" I emotionlessly said
"Oh I see,okay then
Please don't interrupt and interfere,okie?" He asked while walking beside me
"Why? What happend,and what are u gonna do?" I simply asked
"Mwahaha,kinda long story but...I'll tell you later with Dream okie?
But now I'll just...kill the one who took my one and only love..." He growled

Oh...I get it now
That's why he was holding a bloody knife...
And always grinning evily
And gonna kill the one who took his one and only love...?
That's...kinda yandere...

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