Chapt~23~:The Fallen Stars

139 3 3

2 days later

Error's POV

I've been just sitting on my beanbag in the Anti-Void...
Still thinking of how do I talk to Ink
I'm also holding a doll of Ink that I made before...
I'm just staring at it..
Hmmm,how about I'll...ask some advices...of how will I talk to him
But who would it be..?
If I meet my brothers...welp,maybe they are still busy and avoiding me...
I guess I'll just try visit them again

I stood up then made a portal to the save screen to where Geno could be

I'm now infront of him but his back facing me
I then closed the portal from behind
Well,he heard my glitchy portal so he turned around to see me
I was shock because he has a sad look on his face...
I also saw some tiny tears flowing out from his eyes
What even happened to him..?

I was about to walk to him
He ran towards me then hugged me tight.
"UhH...GeNo,wHat'S wRonG? Did tHaT ReApEr gUy huRt yOu?,cUz iF hE dId ImmA kIcK hIs AsS" I said then hugged back
"Error...what have you done...?" Geno suddenly asked then pulled out from hugging
"Um...wHaT dO yO-"
"Reaper told me that he saw everything what you've done to Ink! his brother! And-"
"So hE's bEeN sPyiNg mE,wHaT haPpEneD? WhEre Is hE nOw!?" I asked
He looked away from me then crossed his arms
"He's been keeping an eye on you...
He visited me yesterday... he said that you hurt Ink alot then it's all your fault for not understanding him...
He also saw that Ink went back of being an emotionless soulless monster...
Also his 2 bestfriends that they were called the Star Sanses...also changed,they went on a killing spree in different Aus...
The bad guys didn't even showed up anymore...
That's all what Reaper told me...

Oh,and Reaper also told me if he saw you...h-he'll put your name...on his list...and *sob* kill you-" he explained then started crying,and I cut him off by hugging him again
"SsHh...I'm nOt aFrAid oF aNyThiNg...eVeN iF iT'S tiMe foR me tO diE...
I jUsT waNteD ForGive mE anD loVe me aGaIn...
AnD I aLso hOpe tHaT evErYthIng wiLl be FinE" I cooed
"*sob* ....o-okay but I don't want y-you d-dead..." He stuttered
"It'S aLl mY faUlT anYwaYs...bUt I'll trY my bEst to fIguRe oUt hOw to fIx eVeryThing wHaT I'Ve doNe,bUt fIrsT,I aLso cAmE hErE foR oNe rEasOn..." I said calmly
We then got separated from the hug
Then sat down for a while

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