Chapt~30~:Love,The Last Feeling

132 3 14

Ink's POV

Everything hurts...
I feel so much pain...
Some tears flowing out from my eye sockets...

Everything...was silent..

My one and only...

Infront of me being...
Sliced in the chest..
Instead of me.

"ERROOOR!!!" I cried out his name

He fall backwards but before he hit the ground, I quickly catched him

I kneeled down...he was laying on my arm
I glanced at his chest that was bleeding a lot...
He was now aslo losing his energy...

"Ink..." Error whimpered made me to look at him in the face
"Error...why..? You shouldn't have done that *sob*" I said then started crying
My attention was on Error for a while...not paying attention at my surroundings...

Error was now coughing in blood,he then put his hand on my cheek,I hold his hand too that was on my cheek and started crying hard...

"No! Stop! You don't what you're doing!" I heard Cross yelled from the background

"I know what I'm doing!" Dream also yelled from the background

"Ink...*cough* ....the others..." Error whimpered
"B-but *sob*"
"It's okay Inky...*cough* don't cry...I will *cough* there. . .for you..."
"Stop! Stop talking! *hic* you don't deserve this! *sob*" I cried alot still holding Error's hand that was on my cheek

He just gave me a warm smile
"Error..." I cried
"I'm *cough* sorry...
I love Inky" He whimpered
His eyes are now closing slowly
"No no no no no! Error! *hic* stay with me please! *cries*
Look I never hate you! I didn't mean that I hate you just please stay! Please! Pls pls pls *sob*
I-....I love you too Error! Please stay! Don't go!" I cried
It was now too late...
Because his eyes are now completely closed... And started to dust

"We jUst nEeD soMe hElP foR evErYtHinG wIll bE oKay!" I heard 404 yelled from the background
I also heard some gaster blasters beaming
I just didn't gaze was always on Error...

He loved me...
I also love him so much..
I really did.

"Snap out of this nonsense!" I heard Nightmare also yelled from the background

Error on my arms...
Was now faded away..
Cuz he completely turned to dust.

The souls that he kept was infront of me...floating
Error's scarf also remains on my arms...
I removed my scarf then wore Error's scarf instead

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