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Ink's POV

I was now with my team...
In the house...just sitting on the couch cuz...nothing trouble was happening
Oh I just newly made our Star Sans' Base
Blue was now making tacos on the kitchen while Dream writing something.
I sighed...I'm so bored
I just stood up then made a portal on the floor
"I'll be out for a while guys!" I exclaimed
"Okie!" Blue yelled from the kitchen
"Be careful!" Dream exclaims
I then hopped into my portal and I am now in the anti-void,visiting Error for a while
There,I saw him sleeping peacefully on his beanbag
I slowly and quietly walked to him,making sure he won't wake up
I then saw something that caught my attention...
A red eye glasses on the floor near to his foot
I slowly picked it up...
Seems familiar...
Error slowly waking up then saw me infront of him
He glitches then suddenly stood up and took the glasses from my hand
"WhAt aRe u dOinG heRe,sQuiD?" He asked nickname again...
"Umm just visiting yah,and how am I a squid??" I asked him confused
He just chuckled
"YoU voMit iNk" he simply said
Oh I see...
"But don't call me that,it's weird" I mused then crossing my arms
He then stared at his glasses then putting it now in his pocket
"Hey umm....can u wear that for a while?" I asked,he then looked at me
"HuH?,wHy?" He asked
"I wanna see what u look like with your glasses!" I exclaimed
"Pleeeeaaaasseee....?" I pleaded then made a puppy eyes
He blushed a little then still looked away
"Pleeeeaaasseee,I won't judge!" I pleaded again
"UgH fInE,sToP aNnOyInG mE" he said then took out his glasses and started wearing them
"Yay!" I said
He was now wearing them...
And something was hit in my mind..
And a memory...flashes back to my mind...about how 'he' look
H-he looks...alot like him...m-my bestfriend...
I....Impossible.... I just imagining things..?
"HeY!" Error suddenly yelled
Snapping me back to reality
"YoU'vE bEeN oUt,iS sOmEthInG's wRoNg??" He asked then stopped shaking me
"O-oh...I,there's nothing wrong...
I was just...amazed..." I said then looking away from him
"WhY aMaZeD?" He asked me
"Umm...because...they really looked good at you...?" I shyly said
"Uh hUh...bTw wHy yOuR bLuE jaCkeT iS jUsT aLwaYs tHeRe iN yOur...wAiSt?" He asked me
"Umm...because...I've been wearing too many layers of clothes...? Hehehe...
That's why I don't actually wear my"

Error's POV

"Umm...because...I've been wearing too many layers of clothes...? Hehehe...
That's why I don't actually wear my" He nervously said
But...that jacket or hoodie seems...familiar to me...
"RigHt...cAn u wEar tHeM,eVeN jUsT fOr a sEc?" I asked him
He tilted his head
"CuZ I waNnA sEe sOmEtHinG aNd I wAnNa kNow hOw u lOoK wIth tHaT hOoDiE" I said,he just shrugged "ok" he said
He then started to untie the sleeves from his waist and started wearing it
Sec later
He was now wearing it...
"So? H-how do I look,hehe" he shyly said
I just froze from my position... He looks like him...
That hoodie...reminds me of Blank...he looks like him when he wore that hoodie...
"Umm...Error,u there?" Ink said
Snapping me back to reality
"Oh I uh...I'm jUsT gOod...wHerE wEre wE?" I asked
"Umm talking we look like?" He asked
"Oh yEah rIgHt....fOrGet aBouT iT" I said
He then started taking off his hoodie then tying it again on his waist
I then looked away from him
Hmm...maybe I'm just hallucinating...

Suddenly,A mail📧 appeared then landed on my face
I groaned
I took it,I turned to see Ink for a while...he's holding a mail too,just like mine...
I gazed back at this mail then started opening it.
It was a letter,an invitation...I then started reading it

Dear Gods and Guardians,

I invite you to my place...if you don't mind,please no harm and I also mean no harm.U can bring your weapons if you want but I'm warning you...If u made one mistake...I'm serious that you'll be gone in one snap.Don't worry,I just wrote this letter for you,this is an invitation for my party...but we'll have a meeting first.
So please accept this and this is also important.
Here's the place *insert place* and the time u come will be tomorrow at 6pm.
So...see yah there.

Sincerely yours,
King Multiverse

Wait...King Multiverse....
He's alive too??
But how...and what's going on
And...a party?? After the meeting?
I turned to see Ink who was in a shock expression too...
"Is that same letter too right?" He asked me,I just nodded
"So...are u coming?" He asked again
"WeLl...Of cOuRsE,hE sAiD tHerE's sOmEthIng'S imPorTanT..." I mused
He just shrugged then made a chocolate bar using his small paintbrushes!!??
Hmm maybe that taste like paint....eeww
"HeY uMm..InK?" I asked him,he then unwrapped the choco bar and looked up at me
"Hm?" He hummed
"HoW dOeS iT tAsTe?" I asked him
"Taste like chocolate of course!" He exclaimed then started eating it...
I think...I'm drooling now...
"UmMm...CaN I hAvE sOmE?" I asked then looking away from him,slightly blushing from embarrassment...
"Oh of course!, here!" He said then started making 5 chocolate bars
He then gave them to me
I unwrapped one choco bar amd started eating eat... taste so goood!

[1000 words]

Ugly cover pic by me again ┭┮﹏┭┮
I don't practice on drawing anymore....
And I'm not a fast writer anymore too...
I got lazy as heck
Btw...see yah in the next chapt! Stay safe!

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