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Error's POV has been 3years has passed now
After we took care of Jam
He met our friends
Especially my brothers,Ink's brothers then his father figures...
We also told them everything what happend of how Pj was formed

The others like the gang are thinking some dirty thoughts which was me and Ink hates

Pj was now 5 yrs old
Ink told me that let Dream babysit Pj for a while
I nodded at him for agreement
When he went to his job now,I brought Pj to Nightmare
And Nightmare was babysitting him for a while
It was supposed to be Dream but...
Nah,I prefer Nightmare

U want to know why that Nightmare have to babysit Pj for a while?

Well,Ink has been busy with the Creators in the Doodlesphere,forcing him to create new Aus
While me,still maintaining the balance so I have to destroy some

Paperjam's POV

I am now in Nightmare's castle,running around the corridors
I also learned some lessons of what my mom and dad had taught me
Yeah I call Ink my mom while my dad is Error
Cool right?

"Pj! Get back here!" I heard the crybaby called out for me while chasing me
Yeah I call Killer a crybaby,just look at his face XD

While running,I accidentally bumped into someone
I then looked up to see the Calamari
He then carried me
"Running away,I see" he said
I just laughed at him
He just sighed
"U want to learn something cool?" He asked me
Killer then went beside Nightmare
"*huff huff* you damn kid,I couldn't even use my teleportation anynore" Killer said while catching his breath
"Hmm...since your mom and dad are not still here..
Let me teach you something" Nightmare said

I just tilt my head for confusion.
We then got teleported somewhere else
I then examined the place
This place has people and monsters
I think we teleported in a town...

The people in here seems so busy
Nightmare finally put me down and gave me a knife

[This part is referencing to NahirDUC's comic on Twitter]

I gazed at the knife then glanced at Nightmare
"U see that man?" Nightmare asked pointing at the random direction
I looked to where he was pointing
I then saw the man what he was talking about
The man was alone and drinking alcohol so much
I nodded at Nightmare
"If you stab that man I'll buy you a doll" he said
Yey! He'll buy me a toy!
"I want two!" I exclaimed
He just chuckled
"Okay go on now,and don't make a loud noise~" He said then pushing me gently at the man

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