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Ink's POV

After all what he said...
I couldn't even think a word for him..
He's so sweet and lovable.
I'm so fucking speechless

We are still staring at each others tho,cuz he was still holding my cheek
He then finally looked away from me and removed his hand on my face
"I-it's okay...if you don-" I suddenly cut him off by quickly hugging him,I felt that he flinched a bit but he just hugged back
I then pulled away from the hug then kissed him on the mouth
I can tell that he was shock and he didn't hesitate to kiss me back passionately

It didn't take long,we then finally pulled away from the kiss
I was blushing mess and of course he is too
I then finally spoke
"Yes Error,I can be your boyfriend, I love you more than anything, my glitchy~" I said
I was so happy that we are together again

I almost forgot that...tomorrow is already April 4...
Which means..
I need to get ready!

Me and Error glanced back at the sky to stargaze
There was a silence for a while until
"So uh Error,what do u like the most?" I asked him
His gaze still at the stars
"Well...of course you...
Us,to live together happily and no more fights..." He said quietly

I then suddenly yawned,pretending...
"Oh are u sleepy now?
You should rest because you really worked hard" Error said worriedly
"Yeah...-" without a warning
Error suddenly carried me in a bridal style then stood up and made a portal infront of him
"E-Error...!?" I stuttered from his sudden action
"No worries,I'll bring you home,I mean in your star sans base and to your room" he said

We are now in my room and he laid me down in my bed
I looked at the time,it was still 4pm tho
But I need to think more for Error's bday tomorrow
I then suddenly faked sleep cuz I closed my eyes without Error noticing
"Heh...sleepwell my Inky" I heard him said then I felt he kissed my forehead,after that,I heard a glitching portal opened then closed

I slowly opened my eyes
Good,he's not here anymore
I quickly stood up then planning for tomorrow

Hmm he said that...he loves us to live together happily...

How about I'll make a house!
For me and Error!
That will be great!
But where...

Oh in the Anti-Void!
I'll build the house later...

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