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Ink's POV

Hmm which Au should I go next...
Oh I know!
This Au would be fun

I then made a portal to the ground then hopped in

I'm now in Underswap!
To which people swapped their roles or something...
But still cool,I never visited this place before but one of the creators said that this Au is amazing

I'm now walking through the Snowdin then I saw a house
Oh! I recognised that house!
That's SwapSans and SwapPapyrus's home.

I quickly hide behind the tree then watching them.
I saw the Sans running from inside the house,cuz I see him through their window

But...I'm having a bad feeling that I'm being watched...
But no,that's impossible, no one can ever see me
I then saw the swap Papyrus went out from the house then walked away...
I sighed
I wish I have...friends...yeah I consider all people in the Aus as friends...but...
I want the real ones...real friends....just like Glitchy...
That who was always there for me,...chats with me,plays with me....sharing ideas...,dreams....,and others...

When I was still in my thoughts, I felt a splash of paint coming from inside the house,welp I think that's my cue
I then became an ink blob and splashed to the floor to follow where that splash of paint should be

I then went out from the paint...I think I already teleported inside
I then looked down to see the swap Sans freaking out who splattered the bucket of paint on the floor
"You called?" I asked him(yeah this may be referencing to Comyet's comic...)
"W-who a-are you!,and what kind of monster can go out from the paint!?" He stuttered
"It's complicated..." I paused
I then looked at him for a while...he's so cute...
"Umm...can u stand up for a sec?" I told him
He then stood up,facing me
"Holy shoot! You're smaller than me!,I knew it! I'm not the only one who's smaller,I do believe and told the creators that there are still more version of Sans with different heights!" I exclaimed to myself
"Um mister,I still don't know who u are" swap Sans said
Oh yeah I forgot about him
"Oh umm just call me Ink,and let me fix this mess" I said,he just nodded and staring at me

I then drained the splattered paint from the floor using my hand and brought them back to the bucket

There,the floor is clean now.
"Woah! So u do magic tricks!
Cool!" He exclaimed, I just giggled


We spend our time for a while by chatting with each other

SwapSans was now drawing himself on the paper and also his Papyrus was in the drawing and also their human.
I smiled at him while he's talking about his brother and their human.
"U know,my Papy is always the best!,he's always there for me no matter what,he's strong and he let me join the Royal Guard, and he always treat me and taking care of me as his lil bro,mwehehe!" He exclaimed...
I kinda felt jealous a bit..
And lucky for him...he's always happy and cheery,that...someone's always be there for matter what...

"What's his name?" I asked him but suddenly,his brother came back and saw me
"Oh hey Papy! I-" swapSans was cut off by swapPapyrus suddenly punched me hard then pinned me to the cracked wall...
I felt my head crack too...this is so stupid...
"Papyrus! What are u doing!?
He was just being kind to me!
And let him go!" SwapSans yelled trying to stop his brother of what he's doing to me
Papyrus just laughed then gripping my neck
"Heh nice hit" I mused
"Well little guy,tell us who u really are and why are u hiding behind the tree and spying us?" He asked me
Overprotective much huh?

So he was the one who's watching me earlier without me knowing?...
"Why would I tell u?" I said as I stuck my tongue out
"Brother! U crack his skull open! And look he's now bleeding!" SwapSans yelled worriedly
"Heh,no worries bro,he's just fine..." SwapPapyrus said


"Yeh,I'm fine" I said
"You two are unbelievable!" SwapSans bluntly yelled
I was about to talk until the door burst opened by Alphys
"Carrot! Come out now quick! We're in trouble!
Oh....Blue u have a twin!??" Alphys yelled then looked at me
So this guy called Carrot and his cute Sans called Blue...

Carrot suddenly dropped me then ran outside following Alphys from behind
Blue helped me to stand up
"Are u okay?" He asked me
"I'm really fine,no worries" I said as I started to regenerate slowly
Blue just nodded then ran outside to see what's happening

I followed them too...
I then saw some familiar blue strings connected to the trees then to the houses...
He's here..
To destroy this Au.

Error's POV

This is stupid...
That bastard Ink the guardian of Aus keeps creating such a trash worlds.
So many ugly abominations...
Hmm let's see if I could find some...good Aus...
But that's impossible

I then stood up,thinking to which Au I should destroy next....
I know many and main Aus...that I know,and should destroy...
'Undertale...' wait no not this one,never
'Outertale...' Nope
'Underswap' aha,maybe this one

I then made a portal infront of me to Underswap then stepped in and closed the portal from behind
I'm now in a part of Snowdin
Huh,I think this place is so peace and quite...
Welp time to destroy~

I then summoned my strings everywhere and summoned my gaster blaster to destroy the houses

Seconds later

I saw the Papyrus and the Sans in this Au...
Wait...that sans is cute-
Wait no Error,he's just a weak anomaly
I also saw Ink came to see me..
Wtf is he doing here?
Welp maybe to save these abominations again

I saw swapPapyrus summoned his gaster blasters towards me then beamed
I dodged them but Ink quickly teleported behind me then about to hit me with his brush but I quickly teleported away.
I'm now behind swapSans then pulled him from behind
I quickly made a portal to anti-void then pushed this abomination inside.I saw Ink splashed red paint towards me but I quickly went inside the portal and closed it from behind

There...I took the Sans from Underswap...
I think I'm gonna use him against them...
"M-mister please l-let me go!" He yelled while standing up from the floor

"*scoffs* wHy shOuLd I" I said as I sat down to my beanbag,think about of what should I do next

"Please,Papy will be so worried!" He yelled worriedly annoying...
"WiLl u sHuT tHe fUck Up!?" I yelled back,he flinched then sat down and started crying

Uugh...this one is weak...
I just ignored him...
I then turned on the tv and watch undernovela for a while and waiting for this weakling to shut up already. . .

[1212 words]

Cover by frechiiie on Twitter, lol

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