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Reaper's POV

After Error left...
I left the Omega Timeline too..
Waving goodbye to Geno.

I'm now in Outertale for a while,to relax
But I saw someone laid down on the ground,bleeding
I then walked to that weak skeleton...
When I saw his face...I'm having a feeling that I met this guy before
But I never talked to the guardian of Aus before

Yeah I heard about him,Ink...the God of Creation
While Error...became the God of Destruction...
I still don't like that guy who left my brother behind...

I sighed
"Well well well...I guess someone's dying...but I think you're not on my list....God of I correct?" I asked,he looks like he's dying tho...cuz his eyes are half open and bleeding
His blood colored black...
Or is that even an ink blood?

I waited for his answer but his eyes starting to close and his breathing starting to get slow
"Hey hey,don't close your eyes yet I'm asking u,or I'll make it easier..." I said
What I mean is I'll make it easier to just touch him to death
Yeah I kill people by touching them...that's kinda my thing
"Y-yes...I a-am..." He stuttered and his voice is so low
If I kill the Guardian of Aus...
Welp I wanna know what's gonna happen,I mean,who cares? He's dying anyway

I tapped his head with my hand,so....deathly touch
Seconds later...
It didn't work?
Wait no..
He didn't die...

I removed my hand on his head and looked at him shocked
"I'm surprised u didn't die...
U reminds me of my bro.." I stated...
He then suddenly closed his eyes,so he's now unconscious huh...
I better bring him to my dads and tell the unbelievable news

I carried him in a bridal style then stood up and made a portal to Zephyrtale
And stepped in then closed the portal from behind
I am now infront of their house,I knocked the door and waited

The door was now being opened by dad Zephyr
"Oh hey dad,look wha-" he suddenly cut off my mid sentence
"OMG Reaper!,u finally found him!,quick,let's get inside and lay him down to the couch" dad Zephyr said
I didn't understand what's he's talking about but I just did what he said

Dad Top came and sat beside me,while dad Zephyr preparing some teas for us.
"Umm I didn't understand tho..." I trailed,dad Top just chuckled,dad Zephyr gave us our teas,I then took a sip of my tea
"Sorry if we didn't tell u sooner,but...there he is,your lil bro" he simply said while gesturing at Ink
I suddenly spit out my tea and coughing
"B-but he's Ink!,Ink the God of Creation and Guardian of Aus,not Blank" I confusedly said
Dad Zephyr then carried Ink and brought him to his room to heal him
I then looked back to dad Top
"Yeah I's hard to forget and accept but...we all changed u know" he mused
"B-but how did u know that Blank is Ink...?" I asked,sipping my tea
"One of the creators told me before..." He paused
"Just nevermind,atleast he's alive right? Just some changes,that's all" he said
"Uh huh...
That's why he didn't die when I touched him...
So he became the God of Creation huh..." I muttered

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