Chapt~6~:New Start?

169 4 4

Blank's POV

Wake up

Yeah dear,u should wake up

It's time for u to know

Yeah,it's time for u to learn

And to help us...

The voices said as if they were talking to my head
My head is pounding and it really hurts...
I slowly opened my eyes...
I can see a white ceiling?

I slowly sat up and rubbing my head
I looked around,it was all white around me...
I stood up and suddenly,some different colors splashed through my body and it hurts a little

I still dunno where I am but the last thing I remember is I was with...
Glitchy,.....I saved him from the beam but...I don't know and I don't remember what just happend next after that...

I then slowly stood up but something's....different
My clothes changed,I can finally feel emotions......and a mirror suddenly being summoned infront of me
I looked at to myself
The splotch on my cheek was now in a different style...
I blink many times as my eyes changing shapes and colors
And (insert he's explaining Ink's old design...")

I then walked away to find an exit of this place but suddenly...

Blank...your creator decided to change u,and that's it,u finally changed

Yeah!,your creator said that your name has to be change too

I listened to the voices carefully
"Who are u first?" I asked them

Oh no worries dear,we are the creators,we started to have an ideas to create our own Aus but we need your help

But we'll help u first

"Ok...what's my new name then?and I wanna go back and see my dads and also my bestfriend"

Your creator said that your new name will be Ink!Sans
In short,Ink

"Ink?" I asked making sure

Yap but sadly Ink,...
U can't go back to your so called old home...
It's already been destroyed...

"But what about my dads,my friends,my brother!,m-my-"
I yelled as I feel tears was forming from my eye sockets

Woah woah Ink,calm down
U can see your love ones very soon ok dear?
Just not now...
You'll see them again in a right time

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