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Ink's POV

"No! Stop! You don't what you're doing!"
"I know what I'm doing!"
"We jUst nEeD soMe hElP foR evErYtHinG wIll bE oKay!"
"Snap out of this nonsense!"

No no no no,not me
I can't do this!

"Ink wake up!"

I quickly shut my eyes open to see Error infront of me with a worried look
I slowly stood up,and I see that we are still in the anti-void
"What happend?" I asked Error
"Oh...uh it's nothing,we should keep going now tho" He said quietly
"Okay" I said,we then stood up and he made a portal to a random Au,and I dunno where

We landed near the waterfall of an Au
It's really beautiful here tbh
"Stay here for a bit ok?" Error said,I nodded
He then teleported away
Sigh....where are we anyways...
And he's always leaving me alone...
Is he hiding something from me...
No he can't be hiding something...
No worries Ink,all u need to do is to wait...

I sat down on the grass for a while then staring at the beautiful view of waterfall

Error's POV

We are in the Underlust Au...
My worst Au
Yeah I know...I shouldn't be here but I just needed help from someone
I went away from Ink for a while and started finding that slut
"My my,what do we have here~" a familiar voice suddenly said behind me which chills shivers down my spine
I quickly turned around to face him.

"Are you lost dear?" He asked  romantically
"Don't you dare touch me!" I hissed at him
"I'm not even planning to,and if you're here to destroy my home,just go on,I don't care anymore" he said then looked down,avoiding eye contact with me
Wait...he doesn't really care that his be destroyed?
That's new...
"I'm just here to ask some help from you or atleast...give me some advice" I said
He then gazed back at me in shock
"You really need my help!?"he exclaimed
"Yah" I said
"Okay how may I help you?" He asked then put his hand on the side of his hip
"Do know how to make someone jealous so much?" I asked
"Of course I do! Why?" He exclaimed then asked curiously
"Well uh...I'm helping Ink to express real feelings
And I want him to feel jealousy" I simply said
"Oh just simple,but first where is he now?" He asked
"At the waterfall in this...Au" I said
"Okay first...all we need to do is..." Lust continued and I started listening to him

"Destiny"(Ink x Error/Errorink Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now