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Dream's POV

I can't believe Ink and Error are bestfriends...
But I'm having a feeling that...they feel each other more than just a friend...cuz I can really feel it
I've been having a crush on Ink but...
Wait...I guess I'm still not too late
Me and Ink had been friends for a weeks now...I guess
Okay Dream...u can do this
Ink can't fall inlove with the destruction of worlds and has been enemies long

"Okay childrens-" King Multiverse suddenly talked but someone interrupted him
"Hey! We're not kids!" My brother Nightmare yelled
King Multiverse just chuckled then proceeds
"Before we start,you all are wondering what happend to 404 now right? And the others?" King Multiverse said
We all just nodded
"Well...there's some glitches bugging the place and the codes,they've been figuring out how to fix everything" King Multiverse explained
We all nodded for understanding.
"I'll be the one who'll choose the perfect partner for you~" King Multiverse cooed
"WHAT!!!???" We all yelled theb covered our mouths with our hands quickly
"Ok...just choose your partners by yourself" King Multiverse said
I saw Reaper made a portal then grabbed Geno beside him and closed the portal from behind
"This is my partner~" I heared Reaper cooed and Geno was now blushing hard and confused
My brother was just sitting on the table,not wanting to dance with partner
"No surprises~" King Multiverse said,half warned with his voice
My brother just groaned then stood up and summoned Killer that was on his side now
I then looked to Ink who was talking with Core and Error was nowhere to be seen...

Wait...I guess this is my chance to ask Ink to be my partner
I then ran towards Ink
"Hi Ink!,um Core,can me and Ink have a private conversation for a while?" I asked Core,Core just nodded and went to King Multiverse
"Oh hey Dream"
"Ink can I ask u something...or do me a favor..."
"Sure what's up?"
"Can u be my partner?"

Ink's POV

I was quite shock by his question...
I don't want to hurt his feelings but...I have to tell him the truth...
"Umm...I'm sorry Dream,but I got someone to be my partner..." I said
He then frowns and looked away from me
"It's okay Ink...I know u got Error to be your partner..,but don't worry about me!" He exclaimed then ran away towards his brother

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